page 2 . . .
Letters to the Editor. Talk back
to the editors. What do YOU think?
welcomes letters to the editor. We reserve the right to edit for
length and clarity. Send email to Editor@KilroyWasHere.org.
We cannot post your email address but will forward any response
to you.

An interesting and scholarly
Another Excellent Addition/Correction
From Ted Wilkinson
Contrary to the
story of Trinity,
There was a forth A-bomb.
Actually the Allies didn't have any bombs.
The United States had two which they used at Hiroshima and
Nagasaki, but they also had another plutonium bomb which became
ready for use at about the time of the use of the Nagasaki
bomb. This bomb was still in the U.S. and following Nagasaki,
Tibbets was directed to get that bomb to Tinian immediately.
the star
Another Correction See
original story Click Here
Good B17 story (Last Flight of the Southern
Comfort,) Pat. He said 79,000 American airmen lost their lives
out of Britain? hmmmmm . . . seems a bit high to me compared
to the total killed in the war (which includes the war with
Good story, nevertheless.
John Hopkins
Crystal River Fl.
Once again, the reader is right. A better paragraph would
be "I think the official figure is something like 79,000
aircrew members who lost their lives flying from England.
The air museum at Duxford says 30,000 American lives were
lost, and the U.S. Adjutant General's office says 34,362 AAF
personnel were killed in action in the "Atlantic Region".
Thank him for me for keeping us on our toes!
Woody and Trevor
Another Correction See
original story Click Here
Your data on Marine dead on Iwo Jima and
Okinawa referenced on the "Trinity" story page are
incorrect. Your article treats total casualties (KIA+wounded)
as KIA. Iwo Jima had about 6800 killed; Okinawa about 12,500
Good reads, nevertheless.
R.M. 'Zeb' Zobenica
Capt. USMC (Ret)
Right on, Zeb! Also a hearty Semper
fi! Believe it or not, I love corrections. Not only do I need
all that I can get but it means that someone is actually reading
some of my drivel. I did mention that they were "casualties"
first but got carried away with my examples that I messed
up an did, indeed, treat them like KIA. What I said was:
Americans would
recoil from the thought of invading their homeland."<2>
They did! 25, 850 young Marine casualties. See "An Invasion
Not Found in the History Books" The Marines fought in
World War II for forty-three months. Yet in one month on Iwo
Jima , one third of their total deaths occurred." <1>
25,850 Marines on one stinking (literally - it's name in Japanese
means Sulfur Island) eight square mile island. It is hard
to grasp that figure. Three thousand were lost in the World
Trade center. 2403 were lost at Pearl Harbor, <4> nearly
two hundred at the Alamo, Almost 26,000 on Iwo Jima. If their
bodies were laid end to end, they would reach from Dallas
to fort Worth, from Manhattan to New Brunswick or from Beverly
Hills to the Queen Mary.
Changed to:
Almost 26,000
casualties on Iwo Jima. If these casualties were laid end
to end, they would reach from Dallas to fort Worth, from Manhattan
to New Brunswick or from Beverly Hills to the Queen Mary.
The correction
is already made but I will post your letter soon. I'll let
you know.
Thanks again!
Our German Corrected!
original story Click Here
As a teacher of German and a student of
the Second World War I noticed a misspelling or two. The word
is Lebensraum (room to live), not Liebensraum (room to love).
Also, the past tense of to forbid is forbade, as in Hitler
forbade the bombing of ....
Mark McCulloh, Davidson College NC
As to forbade, you are absolutely correct! I fixed it already
without contacting Woody, the author, because as "editor"
I should have spotted it myself instead of repeating it in
the text box. As to the "sraums," here's the response
from my Elizabeth Cook, My German consultant extraordinaire
followed by Wallace Wood's response:.
" He is right. The word Lieben means to love...so a
literal translation of Liebensraum..would be loving room...Leben
means to live...so Lebensraum is living space..."
"Yes, of course they are right, Pat.
No harm done. Please make the corrections!
Thank you, Mark! I appreciate the correction. They are made!
If the Nazi's had used "Liebensraum" they would
be better off!
on the O'Hare Airport naming
The story about Butch is somewhat inconsistent with other
accounts I have read. Firstly, the a/c Butch O'Hare was credited
with downing weren't Mitsubishi Zero's, they were supposed
to have been Mitsubishi G4M (Betty) bombers. However this
is apparently somewhat in dispute as U.S. airmen had the propensity
to call any twin engine Japanese bomber a "Betty".
The portion of the story about Easy Eddie cooperating with
the feds against Al Capone is apparently correct and there
is an old black and white movie about Capone in which his
bookkeeper is depicted testifying against him which resulted
in his (Capone's) conviction. Part of this is covered by Paul
Harvey in his book, "The Rest of the Story".
The renaming of Orchard Field Airport in Chicago is more complex
than your story suggests. The Army Air Corps operated Orchard
Place/Douglas Field for some time prior to any airline operations
being conducted there. In 1945, the City, realizing that Midway
Airport was becoming inadequate as a city airport asked the
Air Corps to allow them to build an airline terminal over
on the south side of the field and "They would run a
few airline operations, but wouldn't get in the Air Force's
way." (Dialogue approximate) By the early '50s the airline
operations were becoming predominate and the Air Force tried
to evict the airlines. It became a very bitter internecine
battle that was decided in court (coincidentally a court located
in Chicago) who finally ruled in the City's favor. Then as
a final affront, the City renamed this formerly US Air Force
facility, not only for a Naval Aviator, but for one with known
and well publicized underworld connections. And as Paul Harvey
would say, "That's the Rest of the Story". (Name
another US Air Force facility that is named for a Naval Aviator)
Coincidentally, the old International Terminal which United
Airlines demolished in order to make space for their new Concourse
B and C was the original Airline Terminal.
I am a retired professional pilot, and
amateur historian, and without some research cannot cite all
the sources of my information about the a/c Butch O'Hare downed
on this occasion.
Interestingly, about Butch O'Hare, he was likely downed by
'friendly fire'. He and another F-6 'Hellcat' launched on
a night 'combat air patrol' mission. Radar for the night intercept
was being furnished by the shipborne radar and augmented by
the less powerful radar of an accompanying TBF. Apparently
O'Hare got separated and while he was attempting to rejoin
the flight, the ventral gunner got a shot at something which
he described as a 'darkened plane' but he wasn't certain what
he shot at. At any rate Butch O'Hare didn't return from this
mission. This account is given in volume III of "Airwar"
by Edward Jablonski, copyright 1971, (reprinted 1979) This
account begins on page 113.
I am in possession of a newspaper clipping of an article written
by F.N. D'Alessio under the dateline of the Associated Press,
which details the history of O'Hare Airport, and which states,
in part:
O'Hare is named for Navy Lt. Edward "Butch" O'Hare
who single-handedly downed six Japanese bombers 50 years ago.
On Feb. 20, 1942, the 27 year old O'Hare was the only fighter
pilot in the air when nine Japanese twin engine bombers suddenly
approached the USS Lexington off the Gilbert Islands in the
Pacific. "Somebody yelled, 'Nine of them, and he's up
there alone!'" recalled Lexington radioman Joseph Brazda.
"After that, nobody said a word. They were all just watching
and hoping and praying."
As the Lexington's other pilots scrambled and the rest of
the crew watched, O'Hare flew his Grumman "Wildcat"
(Ted note, he was flying a "Hellcat") above the
bombers, then dived toward one of them. In a matter of seconds,
the bomber was in flames and plunging toward the sea.
Brazda said O'Hare evaded the Japanese tailgunners, regained
altitude and swooped again to take out another bomber.
O'Hare shot down five of the bombers and crippled a sixth.
The Lexington's other fighters managed to shoot down two more
of the fleeing bombers.
In the second to last paragraph this source notes . . . O'Hare
disappeared without a trace on November 26, 1943 while breaking
up an attack by Japanese planes near New Britain, in the South
The cited source- "Airwar" by Jablonski can be found
in most good libraries. I regret I cannot furnish the date
of the cited newspaper article, however these accounts are
consistent with other accounts of the same events.
I really enjoy your 'Kilroy Was Here' site. I didn't serve
in WW-II but I certainly remember it, and 'Kilroy'.
Oh and I almost forgot, the part about O'Hare Airport having
been named for political reasons was related to me by (among
others) Dr. Paul Garber who was, prior to his demise, Aviation
Director Emeritus of the "National Aviation and Space
Museum" of the Smithsonian, in Washington D.C. Dr. Garber
was responsible for the preservation of many of the rare and
unusual aircraft in the NASM , and had a good number of NASM
planes stored at O'Hare prior to their sudden eviction back
in about 1960. I was proud to be acquainted with Dr. Garber.
Paul Harvey also mentions part of the "Butch O'Hare story"
in his books.
Ted Wilkinson
To read the entire story along with Ted's
click here
Relative Confirms Kilroy
Was Here Legend #1 . . . Click the
star for Legend #1 
I am married to one of Kilroy's daughters
and that alleged Legend #1 is the absolute truth. None of
the family was or ever had any interest in capitalizing on
it all.
I am 75 and remember drawing that figure at the top of your
website when I was a little kid during WWII.
Al Needham
Learn about honeybees & beekeeping
Clinton after the POW Camp
Enjoyed reading
your history of Camp Clinton. One addition; my Army Reserve
Unit, The 365th Supply & Service Bn occupied the former
Concrete Testing Lab bldg. in the early 70s. Don't recall
how long we were there but eventually relocated to a new facility
on South Drive in Jackson.
The property was used extensively for training and due to
it's isolation from communities was ideal. The bldg. was constructed
in a way very similar to later reserve facilities with two
stories of offices on the front and a large hall in the rear.
We used a building close by for a motor pool. We set up land
navigation courses, were able to erect tents and do various
training activities thruout the property. All this was prior
to the property being transferred to Mississippi College.
Kenny Windham
Jackson, MS
Daughter of a WWII USMC combat infantry vet Remembers Kilroy
I am the daughter
of a WWII USMC combat infantry vet Hawk Rader (D, then A/1/8)
who was still seeing Kilroy in the 1950's & early 60s
when I went to elementary school in Centennial District, Warminster
PA. We lived between Willow Grove NAS & Johnsville NADC
& had a lot of military kids in our schools. We knew what
was what in the Cold War, especially during the Cuban Missile
Crisis. Anyway, I remember drawing Kilroy, air combat pictures
& Iwo Jima on paper in 1st grade. In 6th grade I had a
teacher, WWII vet, who sailed on an AK much like the one in
the movie "Mr. Roberts". He used Kilroy on the blackboard's
as his "signature" & also used versions of it
to announce class assignments. Kids got a kick out of it.
Marsha Rader,
Baltimore, MD
Fore River Shipyard was started by Thomas Watson,
Alexander Graham Bell's assistant
My late father didn't tell us much more
than that about Kilroy but he always drew the "Kilroy
Was Here" picture whenever he doodled. My late father-in-law
worked at the shipyard and knew Kilroy too. He basically reiterated
the story my father told.
Did I mention that Fore River Shipyard was started by Thomas
Watson, Alexander Graham Bell's assistant?
He started the Fore River Ship and Engine Company there.
He actually started his first machine shop further down the
river at the Braintree/Weymouth landing until he moved it
to Fore River a few years later. There's a school, a library
and a park still there named for Watson. He's buried at the
North Weymouth Cemetery which overlooks Fore River.
Fred. Kawa
Sad Sack, Bill Maulden's GI Joe, and Kilroy
When I was a kid during WW II, (I was
born in 1935) there were three icons that made life a tiny
bit more durable for the "Greatest Generation" fighting
that war, and were admired by us all. They were Sad Sack,
Bill Maulden's GI Joe and Kilroy. My Uncles told me that Kilroy
was everywhere. I became quite adept at drawing him and Sad
Sack on walls all over Baltimore, MD where I was born and
lived through those sad days. Although very young during the
war, I was very aware of everything that went on and it affected
my life. I was a first generation American and have always
been an unabashed patriot. I spent half of my adult life in
the U.S. Air Force, am proud of my service to my country,
and will always support the US Military. I may not agree with
being in Iraq, but as long as the troops are there (one of
them is my youngest son) I will support them.
I sent the poster of Kilroy to my son Mike in Mosul. I hope
that Kilroy is on the walls all over Iraq and Afghanistan.
Morton M. "Pat" Pasco
RAF also knew Kilroy
NOTE: This letter was sent to Colonel
Pappas in response to his column about Kilroy.
Colonel, Sir........
This RAF Veteran would like to inform you that the British
armed forces very quickly picked up on the Kilroy image and
subsequently he was seen world wide, wherever the British
Army, the Royal Navy, Royal Marines and the Royal Air Force
had served.
Kilroy was quickly adopted and we were proud to have him in
our midst for, as you say, he represented the huge sense of
humor displayed by every fighting man, on land, in the air
and at sea, no matter what the current hardship.
I can recall doing my "walk around" and peering
up into the bomb bay and seeing Mr. Kilroy chalked on the
side of a blue painted, dummy bomb that was about to be dropped
on Salisbury Plain, during a trial. On emerging into the daylight,
I caught sight of my Crew Chief gazing innocently up at the
Semper Fi ........... Per Ardua ad Astra.
Jim Newman
Honor and Blessing should
always be bestowed upon you.
Dear Sir
My Dad served on, as you call her the Big A, during WW2 and
I have inherted an original copy of that book (War Diary of
the USS
Alabama.) Even though it's worn and faded I still
adimire it and all who served on her. I thank you and all
service men who fought and died for our country Honor and
Blessing should always be bestowed upon you.
W Michael DeWitt
I heartily support your main comment. May Honor and Blessing
always be bestowed upon servicemen and women who risk their
lives everyday for us.
Aircraft Trivia
I just found the information about the MC
72 from Mario Lecce. There was a link to our old site
page mentioned. Should you wish to update the posting, our
page was moved to: http://www.aviationtrivia.info/Macchi-Castoldi-MC-72.php
After reading the information from Mr. Lecce and doing further
research, I added more information about the engine(s). Yes,
there were two Fiat V12 engines linked together driving the
MC-72. Their drive shafts rotated in opposite directions.
I suppose because the engines were linked, they are referred
to as a single engine.
It seems improbable that each engine produced 2,600 hp for
a total output of 5,200 hp. If so the MC-72 would have been
capable of higher speeds.
The engines of the most powerful piston engine aircraft, capable
of 420 mph + speeds, such as the Pratt & Whitney R2800
in the F8F Bearcat, produce about 2,100 hp.
An estimated total output of between 2,500 hp and 3,000 hp
appears to be more realistic for the Fiat engine(s) in the
Charles Varvaro - Aviation Trivia
Thank you Charles for the update!
Living proof that Kilroy
WAS here!
I was just emailing to let you know that my grandfather was
a Kilroy. I'm not sure if he was the original, but he and
his brothers (he had several) all served in the Navy and Army
during WWII and all have admitting to adding their "Kilroy
was Here" to the rest. My grandfather was a gunners assistant
and would have to climb into the big guns to load them, explaining
why some bullets and such were tagged.
As a side note, Walt Disney had a made for TV miniseries during
60's that was based on "Kilroy" returning home after
the war and having to hear all his neighbors ask if he was
the one. Disney hasn't released this on film or DVD, but when
they heard my grandfather was dying, converted it to VHS and
mailed a copy to my mother. My family and Disney are the only
ones that have this on tape. They only made two copies of
the four part series.
I hope this adds to your gallery.
Thank you,
LeAnn Hanna (Living proof that Kilroy WAS here)
Thank you LeAnn! Living proof indeed. Thank you! |
. . it wasn't till I read
your article that it seemed real.
My dad is 86 and lives in Lexington, KY.
I just learned to use the computer so I thought I would look
up Richmond air base where he was a AM 1st class from 43 till
45. He talked about securing the base before the hurricane
and about a blimp that went down but it wasn't till I read
your article that it seemed real. I'm copying this and will
take it to him tomorrow. He told me how he would get off work
at 4:30 ride a bus to the barracks, change clothes take a
shower and be on the bus to Miama by 5:00, still wet! His
names is George Wheeler.
Nice article,
Melinda Wheeler Veirs
God bless all our veterans!
Dear Editors,
Just by chance today, I came across your website. The "Kilroy
was here." image struck me on a very personal level.
Back in 1967 I remember drawing that exact cartoon image as
a child at school. I have wondered how I came to learn it
and realized it was because my late Dad, Alexander Martinez,
Jr. had taught me to draw it. He had met and married my mother
overseas in Northwest England when he had been stationed at
Sealand Air Force and had been transferred to Davis Monthan
Air Force Base here in Tucson, AZ in 1961.
I didn't realize he had passed on something to me of this
significance until just now!
Thank you and God bless all our veterans!
Debra K. Martinez
Tucson, Arizona

Soviet Badger
the image for a larger view

Soviet Bison
Click the image for a larger view
In the "Aircraft recognition slides
The twelfth picture down of the Bison is actually a Badger.
The bottom picture of the Badger on page
2 is a Bison.
Pat Flannery
To see all the A/C Recognition slides,
click the star 
Pat, thank you very much for the correction! Literally thousands
have seen that but you are the only one to bother to correct
me. I failed my own aircraft recognition course! The corrections
have been made (you may have to refresh or reload to see them.)
Your letter will be on in the weekend update. How is it you
are so knowledgeable about Soviet aircraft?
Thanks again!
They're one of my hobbies; back when
I was a kid, my older brother gave me a copy of "The
Observer's Guide To Aircraft" and I got hooked. I've
got a copy of a book called "The Army-Navy Journal Of
Recognition, September 1943 - February 1944" which is
chock full of aircraft identification tests; but these are
a lot harder, as the aircraft are seen at a distance such
as an antiaircraft gunner or pilot would see them. It also
has an interesting captured Japanese aircraft identification
poster of U.S. aircraft.
I'm really surprised that the Post Office hasn't done a "Kilroy
Was Here" stamp already; it's certainly one of the best
remembered images from WW II. (A set of "Willy and Joe"
stamps would be another great one)
The World Record for piston powered
float planes

Aermacchi MC72
Image by Mario Lecce taken at
Italian Air Force Museum is at Lago Bracciano.
Click the image for a larger view
Correction From Mario
Please correct your statements regarding the Aermacchi MC72
made on page:
The World Record for piston powered float planes is:
Piston-Powered Seaplane:
Macchi MC72 440.68 mph (709.21 km/h)
23 October 1934
Not only is the date in error but the speed also. Your website
posts a speed of 326 mph. The record is 440.68 mph according
to the FIA (International Aircraft Records Organization.)
I have also been to Italy twice to visit that airplane and
the record is there on a plaque at the Italian Air Force Museum
is at Lago Bracciano, just North of Rome
You may not know but the plane is powered
by two V12 engines, one behind the other. The front engine
drives the rear prop. The rear engine drives the front
prop through the front engine hollow crankshaft and hollow
drive shaft. The engines run opposite direction from each
other. Each engine produces 2,600hp! Counter rotating
props are to cancel the torque or "P-factor."
Just like the P-38, the props turn in opposite directions
so there is an opposite and equal torque action against
anything that rotates.
The double engines. Image by
Mario Lecce taken at Italian Air Force Museum is at
Lago Bracciano.
Click the image for a larger view
Even with P51s, Typhoons, Tempests, later versions of Spitfires,
Corsairs, P47s, high-powered engines adding too much power at
the wrong speed would tend to flip the aircraft at take off.
Far worse were twin engine aircraft during take off or even
just flying and an engine fails. There is a strong push in the
running engine side. One needs to apply lots of counter rudder/rudder
trim and aileron to keep the plane from spinning to the dead
engine side. Counter rotating props balance those forces.

Caproni-Campini CC-2 , jet plane.
Image by Mario Lecce taken at
Italian Air Force Museum is at Lago Bracciano.
Click the image for a larger view
Also I thought I'd include a shot of the
world's first jet aircraft. This is the Caproni-Campini
CC-2 , jet plane. August 27, 1940 first flight of a "jet"
engined airplane. Officially it was the first jet aircraft
to fly. Until Germany announced that the Heinkel He178
had flown August 27, 1939, though it was illegal according
to the Verseille Treaty of WW1 to have done so. The He178
was in fact the first full jet- a turbojet as the compressor
was run by the combustion process of the engine itself.
Whereas the Caproni had a piston engine driven compressor
section running independently of the combustion/thrust |
chamber. Caproni-Campini had also devised what later was to
be called an afterburner, the injection of fuel into the post
combustion exhaust for added thrust.
Mario Lecce
Response from the author, Wallace (Woody)
Editor -- Mario Lecce is correct: 440.68 mph (709.21 kph) is
the "official" FAI record (FAI =Federation Aéronautique
Internationale) for piston-engine seaplanes. That record is
still in effect, set in 1934 by the Macchi MC-72, a floatplane.
Quote from the FAI record book:
Speed over a straight 3 km course at restricted
altitude: 709.21 km/h
Date of flight: 23/10/1934
Pilot: Francesco AGELLO (Italy)
Course/place: Desenzano-Garda (Italy)
MC-72 (1 Fiat AS6)
A second record by the Macchi floatplane
is also listed by the FAI -- and still in effect:
Speed over a closed circuit of 100 km without payload: 629.37
Date of flight: 08/10/1933
Pilot: Guglielmo CASSINELLI (Italy)
Course/place: Falconara - Pesaro (Italy)
Macchi C.72 (1 Fiat AS 6, 2 400 hp)
But here's another oddity:
The FAI lists the MC-72 as having a single engine. Both Mario
and I agree it was actually a twin-engine with contra-rotating
props. He was able to view the actual aircraft. I don't know
what to make of that, except the one-engine listing may be
wrong for the "official" record. Here are some links
mentioning a single engine:
And here's a TWO ENGINE mention:
Records and information are a little tricky, being passed
down over the years. Websites may carry official and nonofficial
records. I regret my error. Here's an example of another set
of records:
http://members.chello.se/ipmsairrace/records.htm Link
No Longer active
The "official" FAI list can be found here:
------------ Wallace Wood
See additional information about the MC-72
from Aircraft
Trivia at Letters
to the editor.
history of the brave men who did
so much with so little
Link Trainers! Tough to fly but Invaluable!
I came upon your wonderful website while searching for information
on the Link trainer. My father, James Erle Holt, was a civilian
"enlisted" to train on the Link system at Wright Patterson
AFB in 1939. He was selected by Government training recruiters
who came to a small shoe plant in Huntsville, AL and observed
him supervising an entire assembly line of women making shoes.
I suppose they were impressed by his natural instructional capabilities,
and they offered him a very good position in Dayton, OH. After
the war, Dad had a very long and illustrious career with the
Army Missile Command back in Alabama, having worked with Dr.
Werner Von Braun to redesign the V-2 into the Redstone Missile.
He retired in 1976 with two Meritorious Service Awards. Sadly,
he passed on April 12, 2005. His career all started with the
Link trainer, though.
Thank you for your efforts in retaining the history of the
brave men who did so much with so little.
Jan Herndon
Thank you, Jan for the kind words and
for the info and please, in your prayers, thank your father
for his work when his country needed him. You might also apologize
to him for the nasty thoughts I had about Link instructors.
I have spent my time in them and they are a lot harder to
fly than airplanes. Invariably instructors like your father
were able to prove that they could be flown in spite of our
clumsy efforts. How your father and other instructors were
able to fly those evil machines, I will never know BUT the
skills they did teach probably saved my fanny many times.
School Breakfast
Kilroy won't
be forgotten no veteran should be!
Lenore K. Ottens wrote
I am a volunteer at a local elementary school (first grade.)
This morning they had their 8th annual all school breakfast.
I attended for the first time as a volunteer. The tables had
white paper on them so the children could draw or color -
I could not resist. I drew the picture and wrote Kilroy was
here. After the breakfast I asked the first grade teacher
if she ever heard of Kilroy and being much too young to have
been here during WWII, I told her the best I could, including
my writing on the paper.
Well, because she didn't know about Kilroy, I went on line
to get some information. I am going to send in to get the
stamp. Kilroy should have a stamp! He is very much as important
as some they have stamps for, - so let's hope they get enough
I wasn't aware there was a Kilroy was Here organization,
but I am glad there is. I decided to write to you to let you
know that (as long as I am around) Kilroy won't be forgotten
no veteran should be.
I intend to tell my one and only grandchild about Kilroy,
Very sincerely and respectfully,
Thank you, so much Lenore for the nice letter
and for joining the campaign to get a Kilroy Was Here Commemorative
stamp! One of the real pleasures of this site is letting kids
know about Kilroy and The Greatest Generation!
Bombed Oregon
Noburo Fujita's sword moved!
Noburo Fujita's sword is no longer in
the police station in Brookings, Oregon. It now resides in
a special case at the Brookings library, along with a model
of the I-25 submarine and a model of the
Fujita's Kai Gunto (navy sword) with
my identical specimen in front of it.
Click the image for a larger view
Yokosuka E-14 Y-1 "Glen" aircraft,
and a Sacred Treasure medal that belonged to Fujita's gunner,
Shoji Okuda. You probably already know all this, but I thought
I'd write.
Cheers Donald McArthur
Thank you, Donald! That story is one of my
See the full story of the bombing of Oregon:
To the Editor:
Washington Times recognizes the legend
Dear Pat:
Don't know if you have seen this morning's papers, but The
Washington Times has an article about James L. Kilroy.
''Yes, 'Kilroy was here' and to fans
he still is
By Jennifer Harper
Kilroy is still here. James L. Kilroy, that is. The ship inspector
credited with creating one of America's most potent military
mottos remains dear to the nation's heart. On the job around
1942, he wrote just three words in presumed anonymity on the
hull of a Liberty ship: "Kilroy was here."
All best,
Ron Crockett
Thanks Ron, What
a perfect segue to to some wonderful news . . . and from one
of my favorite newspapers too. USS Salem, now in Quincy, MA,.
was built at the Fore River Shipyard during WWII and currently
serves as a museum. They are promoting Quincy's ties to Kilroy
(James Kilroy worked at the Fore River Shipyard.) In addition
they are promoting an essay contest and a photo contest concerning
Kilroy. KilroyWasHere.org will be helping and will publish
the winning essays and photos. We will also participate in
the effort to get a memorial stamp featuring Kilroy Was Here
and the naming of a navy ship the USS Kilroy. For more details,
More on Marianna Army
Air Field
I hope this email finds you in good health.
I want to tell you how much I enjoyed your web article on
Army Air Field. It was well written, informative and
enjoyable to read.
I recently purchased five cloth patches from different training
flights and several had Graham Air Base Florida on them. I
lived down in Avon Park, Florida near Sebring (both old Air
Fields) and thought I knew of all the Air Fields in the state
of Florida. Well I searched and searched for Graham Air Base
and couldn't find a thing. Then I realized the patches didn't
say Graham Army Air Field nor did it say Graham Air Force
Base . . . so then I figured it was a Civilian operated Air
Force contracted field as it said Graham AIR BASE. They did
that to give the civilian run fields some kind of official
extension status.
I found one brief mention on a web site telling about the
several Air Force contracted fields in Georgia & Florida
and Graham Air Base was mentioned in Marianna, Florida. But
no history or story was on that web site. Your information
has brought a new meaning to the patches. Attached are five
photos of Graham Air Base Training Flight Patches. I believe
these to be mid to late 1950s.
Each Training Flight had a mascot and a patch to identify
their training flight. It was like a High School mascot that
they could identify and be identified by. Army Air Force and
later US Air Force training classes had identifying numbers
such as 43-12 (1943 class #12) later the USAF did classes
like 50-C (1950 Class "C")
I noticed that two of these patches carry numbers on them.
One has 110 on the nose of the airplane and the Indian has
130 on his headband. This may indicate the class number from
Graham Field under the civilian instructors, starting from
class #1 in the beginning years. They are from the 1950's
years I am pretty sure and they have cartoon characters on
them and are identified as different Flights. One is Lobo
flight and has a wolf wearing a flight helmet, one is an alligator
in a plane, one is an eagle another is an Apache Indian. I
got the patches from a man who got them from an estate of
a retired Air Force pilot that was deceased.
Again I loved your story it really took me back with you
to the war years!
R. Chad Le Beau
WEB SITE: www.aviationartifactsinc.com
any image for a larger view
Tony with his M-16
A day brightener from
Down Under
From Tony Blake
G'DAY MATE. Thanks for the Easter greeting.
Hope it has been a good one for you and the family. I was
up till 2AM watching "Band of Brothers", the story
of the 101st Screaming Eagles in Europe during WW2. AWESOME!
We owe these guys so MUCH!
THE USA in my presence. People who mouth off about the USA,
including your own citizens should be MADE to sit and watch
Band of Brothers and Saving Private Ryan from start to finish
to see what these kids did so that they could live their miserable
lives in a Free World (that goes for the dick head French
as well.)
OINK, Tony - GRUNT - 7RAR Vietnam
This is an Aussie Digger's personal view of the Vietnam War.
Editor's note:
Couldn't agree
more with your sentiments and couldn't have said them better!
Thanks for the day brightener! |
but you said it much better.
The Decision to Drop the
Captain Gilliland's comments on the use
of the A-bomb are cogent and persuasive. People commonly make
a fundamental error in trying to pass judgement on the actions
of the makers of history in light of contemporary thinking.
We today regard use of nuclear weapons as a last resort, if
not positively unthinkable, because we believe that civilians
are not permissible targets of military action. But civilians
had been targeted by both sides throughout WWII. The firebombings
of Tokyo and Dresden were much more terrible than the atomic
bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Until the effects produced
by these new weapons were seen by the world, atomic bombs
were regarded simply as more powerful weapons which would
produce the same results obtained from conventional weapons
with much less effort and expense.
Another aspect of the first and only use of atomic weapons
in warfare that I have never seen any comment on I believe
needs to be appreciated. The use of these weapons on a relatively
small scale to end the war with Japan has enabled the world
to avoid (so far) the much wider nuclear exchange which almost
certainly would have occurred at a later date had the world
not seen the terrible effects these weapons produced. Obviously
this was not considered by President Truman when he ordered
the bombings, but I believe it may have been a providential
benefit of the decision.
Oscar H. McNew
(retired U.S. Air Force officer and Strategic Air Command
Oscar, your comments are right on
-- and very well put! With your permission, I will include
it as a letter and link it from Trinity page like Capt. Gilliland's.
I made an attempt to say what you did about the aftermath
in my very last comment in Trinity but you said it much better.
I will also forward your letter to Capt. Gilliland.
Thank you for comment.
original story about Trinity, Destroyer of Worlds
Too bad, it was a beautiful story.
About the story on Taps
Mac Smith wrote:
Dear Editor, Here is the real 'Rest of Story' on TAPS! See
story at:
Mac, thanks a lot for the constructive
criticism. I appreciate it! I even appreciate it when the
criticism isn't constructive but keeps me from making a COMPLETE
idiot of myself.
I agree with the site you sent. As a matter of fact two of
the links I already had there from Arlington say the same
thing. I should have been clearer about the fact that the
story, though beautiful, poignant and stirring is probably
untrue. I will do so now by adding your letter and link.
. . a twinge of guilt?
The Leopoldville Disaster
I noticed Allan Andrade's entry about
his book "S.S. Leopoldville Disaster." We tied up
next to the giant liner in Southampton She had taken the very
same route we usually took-following the assault channel buoys
into port. We were anchored in the Seine River when she was
sunk. I distinctly recall the black crewmen and the filth
of the main deck, covered with large buckets overflowing with
urine. The ship was painted white and heavily streaked with
rust stains running vertically from gunwhale to waterline.
I imagine the Leopoldville was kept busy carrying troops and
that would explain the obvious lack of maintenance. I recall
referring to the Belgian ship as the "Belgian Barf Bucket."
That was the image then as seen through the eyes of an eighteen
year-old. We later would sail directly over the Leopoldville's
final resting place at the entrance to Cherbourg, France,
each time we made the cross-channel trip from Southampton,
England. The only positive thing about it all was the fact
she took her overwhelming stench with her to the bottom of
the English Channel. I sometimes wonder if the Americans,
enjoying Christmas Eve festivities ashore in Cherbourg, ever
felt a twinge of guilt after learning that hundreds of their
comrades were drowning within earshot? I imagine the gusty
cheers of celebration actually drowned out the shouts for
help not far beyond the outer anchorage of Cherbourg. It took
a long time for them to die. It will take a longer time for
those who-intentionally or not- ignored their cries for help.
Cherbourg is just the place to die, however, as it has got
to be the most depressing port I have ever dropped anchor
in. The mines sown in both the Petite Rade (inner anchorage)
and the Grande Rade (outer anchorage ) were quite active during
the frequent gales that swept over the rubble of Cherbourg.
If the bearings of known landmarks were not sighted properly
and the landing ship drifted from its anchorage during the
night while you were asleep below, you were a dead man! So,
you see, every time someone mentions the sinking of the Leopoldville,
a vivid mental image of this bombed-out port comes to mind.
The dead rule the murky depths of the waters crashing against
the breakwaters of Cherbourg-even today. I didn't like Cherbourg
then and I certainly don't care for it today, regardless of
any cosmetic improvements made.
Tony Leone
The original book review about the Leopoldville Disaster
Editor's note:
This is an important
addition to Andrade's account of the disaster. Tony Leone is
a noted historian and writer/publisher of war genre books sold
to special groups throughout the world. He has many stories
to tell and has a collection of photographs circa WWII. Currently,
he publishes a monthly newsletter "Mail Bag" distributed
free to the survivors of D-Day and friends who work for the
local press and school systems. He has published eight books
thus far and is working on his ninth. See
his tribute to D-Day 2003 |
spared many American and Japanese
The Decision to Drop the
portion of the web site is outstanding. I wish that more Americans
could read it and understand it! Sadly, the later generations,
who were not there, or were not around then, apparently cannot
connect with the ambiance of the times. The decision to drop
the A-bomb made good sense then, and I still believe that
Truman's judgment was sound.
My subsequent
8 years of working at Oak Ridge gave me an additional appreciation
of the magnitude of the Manhattan Project and of the vision
that Franklin D. Roosevelt demonstrated in backing the project.
Most people forget that FDR was able to persuade congress
to appropriate 7 billion dollars for the project, without
being told the particulars of the outlay. That was real trust-me
leadership and it undoubtedly spared many American and Japanese
lives, perhaps, even my own!
Best regards,
Burl E. Gilliland
Editor's note:
This is a valued comment from one who knows! Dr. Burl
Gilliland is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus at The University
of Memphis. He retired in 1997.
He served in WWII on LSTs and in the Korean War on minesweepers.
He retired in 1987 with the rank of Captain. He has co-authored
several major graduate level psychology and counseling textbooks. |
Nukes weren't as much fun:
A Very Interesting Correction
January 27, 2002
Al Lansdowne wrote
Slight correction.
In the specs for USS Drum you list TWO main engines. There
are actually Four Fairbanks-Morse 1600 HP ten-cylinder opposed-piston
diesels plus the "dinky," a smaller 800-HP auxiliary
engine used mainly for battery charging. I didn't serve on
Drum but I served on boats just like Drum. I also served on
the nukes, but that wasn't as much fun.
I did serve on her sister ship, Sea Lion.
She did have only two main engines and the dinky-- two engines
had been removed to make room for a troop space (marines or
special forces). The official crew complement was seven officers
and 72 enlisted. Though this was the "official"
number, it varied from boat to boat depending on availability.
The Division Commander couldn't figure out why we could outrun
the four-engine boats when we were headed for home. He rode
with us on more than one occasion, snooping to see if we were
overloading the engines. Actually we were, but we had figured
out how to hide it.
These were "Smoke Boats." This
is the origin of the "smoke boat" appellation: At
the beginning of WWII almost all of the submarines in commission
were the old "S" boats. These boats used the diesel
exhaust to blow the remaining water out of the ballast tanks
after they surfaced. The smoke didn't condense in the tanks.
It just sort of lingered. When they opened the ballast tank
vents for the next dive, big puffs of smoke were released.
This was a dead giveaway to any enemy aircraft or patrol boats
looking for them. The fleet boat sailors began referring to
the older boats as smoke boats. The name hung on to refer
to any diesel boat.
When those diesels are really loaded down,
they smoke like crazy. I remember a time when I was returning
to Norfolk on the Sea Lion after a couple of weeks of local
ops. Whenever we were "heading for the barn" we
really poured it on, and thick black smoke billowed from the
exhausts. Our Division Commander was following on another
boat. He sent a message to our skipper-- "What are you
burning-- rags?" Our skipper replied with a "logrep"--
logistics report. It said "Logrep: urgently need more
Kilroywashere is a nice site! I really
enjoyed it.
Al Lansdowne
"Smoke-boat" vet
Al, thanks for the correction. I have made them at the USS
Alabama/USS Drum Page. Mostly, thank you for the information
and stories about the smoke boats. That's a side-bar to history
that mustn't be forgotten.
"We are
with you" . . .
A letter from Paris
September 13, 2001
Dear Kilroy Was Here,

Pascal Sabas
I live in Paris nowadays but I spent
several very happy and productive
years as a journalist in the US during which I covered a few
major events for the French media including the Gulf War and
the "removal" of a Mr. Manuel Noriega of Panama
who's hardly remembered by anyone now.
I was in a way in the eye of Desert Storm
since my assignment was the Pentagon. A place much more interesting
than the press pool sent to Saudi Arabia which got prudently
locked up in a press room in Ryadh, out of harm's way. I even
scooped CNN once. (LOL!!)
I also covered the State Dept. and the
White House at times, filling in for my colleagues. I saw
the inner workings of the US government and it may seem a
mess at times, but it's the best mess I've ever had the honor
to cover. I've seen the best, brightest and most dedicated
there. Believe me, you guys are not short of leaders. All
the friends I made in DC and New York from those years
are safe. I'm lucky.
I feel extremely close to your country.
I am from this generation of French kids who grew up on John
Wayne movies, Coca Cola and Rock'n Roll. My idea of a vacation
when I was in the US was to go to Wyoming and push cattle
with a bunch of $300 a month breakneck cowpokes. Living the
Legend. They're good people, and so are the horses.
All the French -- and European -- flags
fly at half-mast since yesterday September 13th, And today,
September 14th at noon three minutes of silence was observed
all over Europe. The passing bell from Notre Dame cathedral
sounded over the silenced city and the Republican Guard ended
the three minutes playing the Star Spangled Banner in the
Elysée Palace's courtyard, in front of President Jacques
Chirac standing at attention. For three minutes life stopped.
I'd never seen Paris stopping dead in its tracks like that
before. Metro and bus traffic was interrupted. In schools,
pupils stood silent and in the streets people stopped too.
There was a crowd in front of the US embassy, and flowers,
candles and people weeping, and they were not all Americans.
Sometimes my American friends ask me:
"Why are French people so rude with Americans?"
My answer is: " Not to worry, we don't discriminate,
we're rude with everyone. We're even more rude among ourselves."
And also, arguing is a national pastime. Remember "The
Odd Couple?" Felix must have been French. But when it
comes to grief and pain there is no more arguments. We are
here! No questions asked. Believe me, you are not the only
ones to be hurt. The ancient Romans had a god for every situation.
The one in this particular case was Mars Ultor. Mars the Avenger.
Having lived a total of eight years in
the US, I know that those terrorists have awakened him. And
knowing the American people as I know them, I'm pretty sure
that, as the French saying goes, those assassins should put
a sweater on because nights are gonna be nippy. You need comforting.
Here is some for you. It's from the heart. We are with you.
All the way. To Victory!
Yours truly,
Pascal Sabas
at Buckingham Palace
From England
September 14, 2001
Gary Murphy wrote
I sure hope you and your colleague, Pascal
are aware that the British played The Star Spangled Banner
during the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace. I am
very happy to hear that!
"America will surely prevail
. . ."
From Australia
14, 2001
Tom Gillin wrote,
am an Australian living in Sydney.By
sheer coincidence I happened
to turned on the TV about 11:30 PM Tuesday night (our time)
just before the second plane crashed into the World Trade
Centre. This event has touched ordinary people all around
the world. Here in Sydney, the US Consulate stairs, a couple
of blocks from my office are now a small shrine draped with
US flags and flowers, and personal messages from ordinary
passers by. In my suburb, my local church is running special
services for remembrance. This is an ordinary little church
a world away, the main Sydney cathedrals are, of course, also
running special services too. In the office, amongst family
and friends, the common theme is outrage of a crime so sordid.
The thing that sustains me in darktimes
like we are seeing now, is the bright contrast between the
firemen of New York and the "soldiers" of Bin Laden.
The terrorists used decent innocent people as human shields
to effect their bloody massacre of the innocents. The terrorists
did not even have the decency to tell their aircraft hostages
the truth of their imminent and awful execution. Only the
chance event that a brave and quick thinking pilot, leaving
on the intercom foiled their plan over Pennsylvania. To call
the terrorists acts "holy" is to dishonor and defame
every religion of mankind. In contrast the New York Fire Department,
whose men would have known the risks involved better than
any of us, knowingly rushed into jaws of death to save life,
many tragically losing their own in the aftermath.
If moral fibre is in any way relevant to modern warfare, America
will surely prevail!
Tim Gillin
Sydney Australia

Sgt. Paul Tillery
A hero writes
to a tough young man . . .
"An excellent
job of writing"
Tillery wrote:
Hi Jim - Congratulations! Your stories, Return
to Driniumor and Patrol
to River X are excellent and the pictures are great
- a good job and well done! It took a lot of courage for
you to make that trip to the Driniumor River and I for
one, am glad that you did. Your handling of your Dad's
material presented an excellent story of his
Jim McCracken
at the Driniumor River. My job with the 124th Infantry
Regiment (one of four Regiments) on the Driniumor River
line, was Regimental Motor Sergeant and I was not called
on to endure what Lt. James E. McCracken and the others
on the River line went through. I can tell you I have
the utmost respect for them, as I know what they had to
withstand. If his personal story seems confusing at times,
let me hasten to tell you that there was a lot of confusion
there. With the Japs having broken through our line and
thousands of them wandering around there between the River
Line and the MLR at the Base, it was indeed confusion.
Anywhere you turned you might run into Japs. Once again
let me say you did an excellent job in writing this up.
And Pat you accomplished your usual good job of displaying
the writings and pictures on the website. To both of you
a job well done and I will continue to read and reflect
on these postings.
Best Regards, Paul |
Thank you, Paul
for the kind words to me. More important, your recognition
of Jum's courage and sense of adventure that took him back
to New Guinea and his efforts in telling of his father's sacrifice.
Paul's own story The
Battle of the Driniumor River & 124th Infantry.
A fallen hero remembered again
A caregiver recalls a hero
Rene Ice wrote:
My name is Rene Ice, I have been Mrs. Rose's caregiver for
close to seven years now, and I just wanted to thank you for
remembering Captain
Bud Smith. Mrs. Rose has so much vital information on
her brother Bud during that time, letters, pictures and boxes
full of this man's life. At first I didn't think I would be
able to find the particular Good
Morning column you requested but after reading it only
once nearly seven years ago, I knew which one it was. I'll
never forget it. All the information Betty has about that
transports you back in time. All the emotion is brought back
. It was very emotional for Betty and is any time she thinks
of Bud and her parents. I am 40 years old. My own grandfather
served in the military but we do not have as much vital personal
information on my grandfather as Betty has on her brother.
I consider it quite a privilege for Betty to share her most
intimate details of her brothers life, I feel as if I knew
him too, like he was my brother too. I went to
www.kilroywashere,org to see what you did for Bud, and
will make a copy of it for Betty . Again thank you for all
that you are doing for our fathers,brothers, Grandfathers,
I was just so pleased to seeCaptain
Smith's memorial, I had to answer in gratitude. What an
honor. Another way he can reach out after all these years
to others. Praise be to God and for the many men and women
you have remembered and will carry on!
Rene, thank you for recognizing and remembering!
It would be so easy to see Mrs. Rose only as an old lady who
needs help. We, however can see her for what she is: a strong
woman who has given and sacrificed so much. But what a life!
What times she experienced! What stories of life, love, romance,
and death she could tell. Give her my love.
A correction:
Mislabeled Aircraft Recognition slides
Tony Newcomb wrote:
In the Aircraft
Recognition Slides (Site 5 Miscellany) you have the A4D
slides labeled as "Skywarrior." They should
be "Skyhawk". . . the Skywarrior was the A3D - both
were built by Douglas aircraft. . .
Tony, you are absolutely right! Of the thousands
who have looked at those, you are the only one to 1) know
the difference and/or 2) took the time to correct it. Thank
you! It is doubly embarrassing because the slides are mine
and I would have given my team hell for a stupid mistake like
that. Thanks again. I have corrected the page. You may have
to refresh or reload to see the corrections. I will post your
letter in the next week or so, so all can share my embarrassment.
From a caring teacher:
A Blind Student Sees Kilroy Through the Eyes of a Caring Teacher!
Shirley Kondruk wrote:
I work with a blind student and told him
of this practice of writing "Kilroy was here" when
thinking that you are the first person to appear at a certain
place. He said he had never heard of it. I tried to explain
and thought that I might find a better explanation on the
Web and came across your site while searching. He found the
legend quite interesting. He has decided to leave "his
mark" somewhere in the school when he leaves. This is
his last year at school. Thanks!

Shirley, thank you very much for signing the guest book with
your heart warming story! This sort of thing makes it all
worth while. Please tell him he has already made his mark
on kilroywashere. He will be here as long as www.kilroywashere.org
Shirley Kondruk wrote:
My student was quite excited to learn that you responded to
my e-mail. For his mark he decided to leave the three letters
of his name along with "was here!", the date and
the time, in braille, with the print translation under each
word (which I put in). He had me hide it in a semi-conspicuous
place (behind the light switch plate). He did not want anyone
to see it for a while. He also wanted to come back to this
school sometime in the future to see if it was still there.
I guess you could call it his variation of "Kilroy was
here." He is the first blind student to attend this school,
so far, so he will have that in common with the phrase.
To the Editor:
A Teacher Tells His Son About Kilroy
Last evening as I was reading to my seven-year-old
son, we began talking about what graffiti was and where you
might see this special kind of art form. I told him he might
have noticed it in a rest room wall or two. He told me he
had. I told him people painted entire mass transit cars with
spray paint and that I thought I even noticed some on the
maintenance shed behind our high school. I told him most of
it wasn't very nice. But then I remembered another example
of wall writings that were very special.
I told him what I knew of "Kilroy"
and how our soldiers in WW II wrote it on nearly everything.
I said it reminded them that they were never alone. It reminded
them that there was always going to be someone behind them,
beside them, or in front of them to help them through the
horrible war. I told him that "Kilroy's" name became
a very powerful message. It became a symbol of the spirit
of the American people who stood together to make sure our
country would always be free.
As I began further research on "Kilroy"
today to share with my son, I was delighted to discover your
website. As the son of a Navy Lieutenant Commander who served
in North Africa and a mother who worked in a homefront factory,
I salute your efforts. Your site is a marvelous tribute to
the men and women who served, and the families that waited
and worked so hard at home, so that I would have the freedom
today to read whatever I wish, whenever I want, to my little
Three cheers for Kilroy Was Here!
God Bless You All.
Gordon Gair, Media Arts Department
Cypress Lake High School Center for the Arts
WOW, what a nice letter from one who sounds
like a great father and great teacher! Thank you for your
kind words -- this makes so much work worthwhile. It will
also help with a recent question that I have been struggling
with. The question is "WHAT" was Kilroy, not who.
Another asked what was he USED for. I finally realized that
there is a whole generation out there that doesn't know Kilroy.
But the answer is much harder than "it was graffiti."
Your letter helps! Thanks again
I tip my hat
The Positive Attitudes
Surfing the websites for various news articles,
I happened upon your site. I have known throughout my years,
many American servicemen. In the majority of the conversations
we had, they never boasted of their combat experiences; they
preferred to speak of the trueness war represents - good overcoming
evil. Your site brought tears to my eyes as I thank you for
speaking of the positive attitudes that make us all God's
children - and for knowing the difference; just like our GI
Joes and Janes did - and still do.
I tip my hat to Wayne, Earl, Bob, Dean,
Harry, Woody, Bruce . . . and the many who fought for us.
Thank you for recognizing and honoring all of them, as I do.
Thank you
We need to remember the sacrifice
A Letter from the Guest Book
Lance Wentworth wrote:
Excellent site!! Growing up I would spend
my time in the library reading the books on WWII. Not until
reading these first hand accounts from the Vets was I truly
there. Wally
Hoffman's story regarding Black Thursday is incredible.
It was if I were riding along with him on that
fateful yet important day. It brought tears to my eyes.
I am 31 years old and serve in the Naval
Reserves and I am grateful to these guys who have payed the
ultimate price so we may live in the greatest country in the
world. Thank you for this site, we as American citizens need
to remember the sacrifice the men and women of the Armed Forces
have made and this is a great way to do it. WWII Vets are
passing away every single day and their stories, good and
bad, have gone with them. This is a good way to put their
history in the "books".
Thanks again for a great site!!!
the SS America, a sad ending . . .

Photo shows the "ss America, uss Westpoint, ss America,
Australis, ss America, Italis, Alferdoss, Noga, and American
Star" as she was in 1994. This picture of her along with
complete history can be found at the "From the Cradle
to the Grave"
web site by Darren Byrne. It is a sad but beautiful site!
Well worth a visit whether or not you served aboard her.
the Cradle to the Grave"
Sgt Joe Tillery
I don't really
have enough personal identification with the SS America to
submit anything of interest other than the fact that I crossed
the North Atlantic in the dead of winter. We had only two
meals a day and we stood in line most of the day for those
two meals. The cabins and all the 1st class area was "Officers
Country" but I was able to peek in a little from my KP
station .I guess I was so very impressed with how beautiful
it was how large it was that I tried to keep up with her.
As you will see, the old girl came to a tragic end but better
than being scraped.
See more on the magnificent luxury liner that fought a war
. . . .HERE
an LST

George Steel
A small group of WWII and Korea War sailors have brought back
from Greece the LST325. It is now in drydock near Mobile being
put into shape as an active memorial . they need help and
money to finish the work. To get all of the story go to www.lstmemorial.org.
Thanks George. It's a good cause. I have
been keeping up with the story. Wish they had asked me to
help -- I would have gone even though I was an airplane driver.
I'll put your letter and a link to them on next Sundays update.
Their link has been added permanently to the Research
to William Tillery about his story about Marianna Army Air
report on the Marianna Army Training base was most interesting!
Thanks. I was based at Stuttgart, Ark Army Air base at the
time you speak of (August '42 to December '44.) I was a medical
person. The base trained glider pilots at the beginning and,
later A20 pilots. After leaving there I was a Medical Tech
flying with Air Evac. Like you, I went back to visit old friends
18 years later. Nothing was the same! The base was a industrial
park. Kilroy looks the same though. He was been seen all over
the world. Seeing him again is a good moral booster.

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