Letters .
. .
Letters to the Editor. Talk back to the editors.
What do YOU think?
welcomes letters to the editor. We reserve the right to edit for length
and clarity. Send email to Editor@KilroyWasHere.org.
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presents letters of appreciation...
to Thank Living WWII Vets
February 19, 2001
John Gunn wrote:

Later this year, the government of
France will begin presenting "Thank You America"
certificates to living World
War II veterans to thank them for participating in the liberation
of France.
To be eligible, a veteran must have served
on French territory, in French territorial waters or in
French airspace between June 6, 1944, and May 8, 1945. Certificates
will not be issued posthumously.
The application form will be available
from veterans service organizations and on a special Internet
site maintained by the French government: http://www.info-france-usa.org/news/statmnts/2000/ww2/index.asp
The 10 consuls of France in the United
States will work with state veterans affairs offices, veterans
service organizations and other veterans groups to identify
eligible people and to organize certificate presentation
special new letters . . .
mythical Australian swamp monster and a German General's
letter goes home.
favorite icons of the kilroywashere site have found their
way home. T/Sgt Allan referred to Bunyip, a mythical swamp
monster of early Australia in his letter
home number 9.
An Australian Webmaster asked to use T/Sgt Allan's picture
of the Banyip on his site. Check it out at http://perandis.tripod.com/boozer1.htm. Also, a German webmaster
with a fascinating web site asked to use General
Raimcke's letter
from our story about the Camp Clinton POW
camp. His grandfather was a German
POW in Farragut, Idaho. His site can be found at: http://www.kriegsgefangen.de/
You bet. I saw her! . . .
Rose and Tojo
In 1946 I, with other Marines,
made a tour of the Sagomi (I'm not sure of the spelling)
prison in Tokyo. We saw Tokyo Rose and Tojo. They are both
for real, believe me. I have no picture, unfortunately.
We were not allowed to take cameras into the prison. We
were the guests of a French Correspondent who knew the OIC
of the three man detail that I was part of. At the time,
I was assigned to the 5th Marine Div. in Sasebo. I was a
motion picture cameraman then and during the war. We were
in Tokyo on a photo mission I've forgotten the subject
of the mission but not Tokyo Rose. The visit to the prison
where Tokyo Rose and Tojo were held was a lucky by-product
of our trip. If I can be of any further source of info,
or help, let me know.
Regards and Semper Fi,
Dick W. Retired USMC
League City, TX
Marcus Rickard wrote:
Help me out. Explain what a "short-arm
Inspection" is. It was mentioned in Sgt
Joe Tillery's stories about his adventures in WWII.
right you bastards, skin em back and milk em
The health of fighting men is of utmost
importance to the military, especially just before returning
home. At least that was the expressed reason for short-arm
inspections. Actually, in my opinion, it was just another
effort to humiliate and harass the troops. On reflection,
the only thing worse than suffering through a short-arm
inspection was surely being the individual (usually a corpsman)
who had to perform the inspection.
Specifically, the short-arm inspection
is a rather primitive exam for Gonorrhea. Troops were lined
up each holding their respective penises. One at a time,
a unfortunate subject of the inspection was required to
"milk" down his flaccid penis from the base to
the tip. At which time, the inspecting doctor checks for
pus at the tip of the urethra and sores throughout the pubic
area. A short-arm inspection was always called at a time
when one was unprepared for it and could do little to alter
the results. It was my understanding that an erection made
this inspection less accurate so they always were called
outside, in the middle of the night, usually very cold with
only your helmet liner and raincoat as the official uniform
at least this was their excuse for the miserable
About the erection, at the tender age
of 18, an erection was often a perpetual nocturnal condition
and being awakened from a sound sleep did little to discourage
this problem. However, a cold raincoat over your nude body
outside in the cold usually did the trick.
Now, aren't you sorry you asked!
Editor's Note: Sgt Tillery's last comment
about the subject "I well remember the dreaded command
'skin it back and milk it down'" At Keesler Field in
December of '44. I think we even marched to it (beats "Hup
two three four!.") This seems to be so typical of that
generation. In spite of the humiliation, danger, and suffering,
they never lost their sense of humor.
Eglin Army Air Base stories
Orus Kinney
I lived 13
years in Valparaiso, Florida, 1955 - 1968. My wife and I taught
school in north Alabama, and each May, when school was out,
we would visit the beach in Fort Walton. In the spring of
1955, while on the beaches, a major from Eglin approached
me about opening the Eglin Elementary School as an integrated
school. I was getting my MA Degree in school administration
that July. I took the job. I later, 1963, opened the new Niceville
High School as the first air conditioned and integrated high
school in the area. I've enjoyed a lot of fishing in Boggy
Bayou, hunting in forest, and golf on the Eglin Golf Course.
I really enjoyed Jim Faircloth's Tales
from the Old Eglin Army Air Base,
they brought back many memories.
Kinney wrote and experienced the Nazi Smart Bombs. |
you or do you know anyone who was a POW?
Government making compensation
Hofman wrote:
Could you please
put this information on your site that the British Government
at long last are making compensation of £10,000 to
anybody who was a British prisoner of war of the Japanese,
whether in the army , navy or civilian. This also applies
to child prisoners of the Japanese, those taken with their
families and put in camps, many lost their parents but the
children would now be 60 years old. They should contact.
War Pensions Agency
Tomlinson House
More on this from Des Lavender in England:
Ireland On The Internet
very special letter from 1950 . . .
Major Reynolds
A very moving
letter . . .
"On Christmas
Day From the Korean War Project."
Note: A very special letter written 50 years ago from Colonel
David Hughes, USMA Class of 1950. This is a link to another
site (http://www.koreanwar.org/)
from Major Reynolds. This letter is worth plugging another
To Return a Book . . .
& Joe Elliott wrote,
We wrote to you a while back with a story
of our dad Joe Elliott, which
you have on your website.. he thinks its great, we showed
it to him...
We bought a book the other day from a market and in
the front it has written the following:-
To George
From Dad
Xmas 1944
1025 Macon Avenue
Pittsburgh 18 Pa |
Inscription Page.
Click image for bigger view |
book is by Ernie Pyle who I know is an acclaimed journalist
in America... and is called Brave Men
Could you please advertise this on your website, as
it would be really nice if we could return it either
to George or one of his family. Or if not, maybe you
might be interested in it... we could send it to you.
Thanks again
Pat & Joe Elliott
Page 2. Click image
for bigger view |
Pat and Joe,
this is a very generous offer! I hope we are able to find
him. Ernie Pyle is, indeed, an acclaimed journalist in America!
One of our greatest war correspondents and writer. |
Rations on Iwo Jima? A lighter note . .
Norman Gertz, Colonel USMC (Ret)
An Air Force
P51 squadron was slated to be stationed on Iwo Jima to provide
fighter escort for the B-29's to and from Japan. While we
were still very much involved in combat there was a steady
procession of truckloads of material slated for the Air
Force installation. I was amazed one day to see a long flat
bed trailer come by with a load of porcelain toilet commodes
stacked on board. Truckloads of food rations came in daily
and a stockade was created with barbed wire to store all
the boned turkey; roast beef and other exotic foods. Needless
to say it got the attention of the Marines who paid many
night visits to sample the wares.
Several huge
40' reefer boxes were set up complete with their own
generators. Of course there were no provisions or any food
which needed refrigeration at this time. Enterprising Marines
would collect canteens of water from the troops and put
them in the reefer boxes. They would return later in the
day to collect them and distribute ice cold water canteens
back to their owners.
exchange of memories about flies on Saipan
Norman Gertz, Colonel USMC (Ret)
I am remembering one aspect of the Saipan
operation that I have never seen mentioned in print.
We were briefed as usual on what we could expect from the
enemy there and other conditions that we would have to contend
with. No one however ever told us about the "Saipan Flies".
There was a substantial sugar care field there which soon
became a haven for the Japanese snipers. They would retreat
back into the cane fields after their forays and needless
to say it was too dangerous to attempt to go in there. Individual
flame throwers were used to cut down the cane but it was taking
too long to get the job done. Flame thrower tanks were finally
brought in and went up and down the field systematically burning
down the entire field. Every now and then a Japanese soldier
would burst out of the field, sometimes hopelessly on fire.
The sugar cane field was no longer a haven for Japanese snipers.
With the first raindrops we learned that the sugar cane field
was fertilized with human feces; the smell was horrendous.
At the same time we began to notice an abundance of huge black
flies which landed on your food, hands, face and neck and
were very aggressive. We were told that the flies were brought
in by the Japanese to combat a certain pest of the sugar cane
fields. Since the sugar cane fields were gone the flies turned
their attention to the human creatures at hand. They were
of course carrying e coli bacteria from the human feces.
We shortly developed a growing number of very sick Marines
. . . almost all came down with either dysenterry or dengue
fever and a common sight was a Marine with a roll of toilet
tissue hanging out ready for his next attack. Others merely
dropped to the ground from weakness and had to be placed in
collection areas so that they could be treated and recover.
After a time, an aerial spraying routine was set up and we
along with the flies were sprayed liberally until the flies
were eradicated.
I can't remember ever reading about this aspect of the Saipan
campaign so I hope it will be of interest to the readers.
You can be sure anyone who was there will remember those flies.
Right! Here's one who remembers.
Bill Hoover
wrote: (See
Bill Hoover's incredible tales of Saipan)
The flies you mentioned brought back two more memories.
When we first had a chance to eat a C rations, if a fly
got on the food we would scoop out a portion and eat until
another fly landed there. Eventually, the Sea Bees sprinkled
lime on the dead Japanese bodies, and then when the flies
got on our food you could see little white specks from their
feet. After a few days we were so damn hungry we just chased
the flies off and chowed down. Also, we used to find chickens
sitting on the bodies of dead Japs pecking away at hundreds
of maggots inside their intestines. It took me 30 years
before I could eat a damn chicken, and now its only about
twice a year and has to be fried until its almost burned.
What was it General Sherman said ?
Major problem that only causes
more laughter
More Flies on Saipan
Hi Pat,
From my memory,
heres a true incident that will give some of the old timers
a chuckle:
On Saipan at the Division HQ command post they had a deluxe
head/latrine installation to accomodate all thebrass. The
device consisted of a 50 gal drum buried half way down in
the sand with a wooden seat and flip cover. We were being
plagued with the huge black flies as previously noted. These
flies found the can quite inviting so it was necessary to
throw in a smoke grenade at intervals to clear out the flies.
For some unknown reason a concussion grenade was thrown
into the can . . . it exploded and spattered everyone nearby
with the contents of the can.
I am happy to say that I was out of range !
Norman Gertz,
Colonel, USMC (Ret)
For more on the Flies
of Saipan, scroll up 
Medic's View from a VA Hospital
Stephen R.Ellison, M.D. wrote:
I am a doctor
specializing in Emergency Medicine in the Emergency Departments
of the only two military Level One trauma centers. They
are both in San Antonio, TX and they care for civilian emergencies
as well as military personnel. San Antonio has the largest
military retiree population in the world living here because
of the location of these two large militar medical centers.
As a military doctor in training for my specialty I work
long hours and the pay is less than glamorous. One tends
to become jaded by the long hours,lack of sleep, food, family
contact and the endless parade of human suffering passing
before you. The arrival of another ambulance does not mean
more pay, only more work. Most often it is a victim from
a motor vehicle crash.
Often it is a person of dubious character who has been shot
or stabbed. With our large military retiree population it
is often a nursing home patient. Even with my enlisted service
and minimal combat experience in Panama prior to medical
school, I have caught myself groaning when the ambulance
brought in yet another sick, elderly person from one of
the local retirement centers that cater to military retirees.
I had not stopped to think of what citizens of this age
group epresented.
I saw "Saving Private Ryan". I was touched deeply.
Not so much by the carnage in the first 30 minutes, but
by the sacrifices of so many. I was touched most by the
scene of the elderly survivor at the graveside asking his
wife if he'd been a good man. I realized that I had seen
these same men and women coming through my Emergency Dept
and had not realized what magnificent sacrifices they had
made. The things they did for me and everyone else that
has lived on this planet since the end of that conflict
are priceless.
Situation permitting I now try to ask my patients about
their experiences. They would never bring up the subject
without the inquiry. I have been privileged to an amazing
array of experiences recounted in the brief minutes allowed
in an Emergency Dept encounter. These experiences have revealed
the incredible
individuals I have had the honor of serving in a medical
capacity, many on their last admission to the hospital.
There was a frail, elderly woman who reassured my young
enlisted medic trying to start an IV line in her arm. She
remained calm and poised despite her illness and the multiple
needle-sticks into her fragile veins. She was what we call
a "hard stick." As the medic made another attempt
I noticed a number tattooed across her forearm. I touched
it with one finger and looked into her eyes. She simply
said "Auschwitz." Many of later generations would
have loudly and openly berated the young medic in his many
attempts. How different was the response from this person
who'd seen unspeakable suffering.
A long retired Colonel who as a young USN officer had parachuted
from his burning plane over a pacific island held by the
Japanese. Now an octogenarian, his head cut in a fall at
home where he lived alone. His CT scan and suturing had
been delayed until after midnight by the usual parade of
high priority ambulance patients. Still spry for his age,
he asked to use the phone to call a taxi to take him home
then realized his ambulance had brought him without his
wallet. He asked if he could use the phone to make a long
distance call to his daughter who lived 70 miles away. With
great pride, we told him that he could not as he'd done
enough for his country and the least we could do was get
him a taxi home, even if we had to pay for it ourselves.
My only regret was that my shift wouldn't end for several
hours and I couldn't drive him myself.
I was there the night MSG Roy Benavidez came through the
emergency Dept for the last time. He was very sick. I was
not the doctor taking care of him but I walked to his bedside
and took his hand. I said nothing. He was so sick he didn't
know I was there. I'd read his Congressional Medal of Honor
citation and wanted to shake his hand. He died a few days
The gentleman who served with Merrill's Marauders, the survivor
of the Baatan Death March, the survivor Omaha Beach, the
101 year old World War I veteran, the former POW held in
frozen North Korea, the former Special Forces medic now
with non-operable liver cancer, the former Viet Nam Corps
Commander -- I remember these citizens. I may still groan
when yet another ambulance comes in,
but now I am much more aware of what an honor it is to serve
these particular men and women.
I am angered at the cutbacks, implemented and proposed,
that will continue to decay their meager retirement benefits.
I see the President and Congress who would turn their back
on these individuals who've sacrificed so much to protect
our liberty. I see later generations that seems to be totally
engrossed in abusing these same liberties won with such
sacrifice. It has become my personal endeavor to make the
nurses and young enlisted medics aware of these amazing
individuals when I encounter them in our Emergency Dept.
Their response to these particular citizens has made me
think that perhaps all is not lost in the next generation.
My experiences
have solidified my belief that we are losing an incredible
generation and this nation knows not what it is losing.
Our uncaring government and ungrateful civilian populace
should all take note. We should all remember that we must
" Earn this."
Combat Paratrooper with a Poet's Soul
Dave Philips
So far as I know,
I'm probably the only WWII combat paratrooper (506th parachute
inf regt, 101st AB div) to get a medal for poetry. I was
awarded the Army Commendation Medal for "important
contributions in the field of soldier poetry." The
Paris edition of the NY Herald Tribune ran one of those
poems in the "Poet's
Corner" of its op-ed page on ll-ll-45 (then known as
Armistice day, now Vets Day, as I recall. The Poem:
We have
only died in vain if you believe so,
you must decide the wisdom of our choice
by the world which you shall build upon our headstones
and the everlasting truths that have your voice.
dead, we are not heroes yet, nor can be
'til the living by their lives which are the tools,
Carve us the epitaphs of wise men,
and give us not the epitaphs of fools.
Thought you might
find the above interesting. Personal vanity, I guess, but
I thought it might be an appropriate thing to have over
the gate to a veteran's cemetery.
One more poem reference WWII. After VE Day, I visited a
battlefield that I was on during the winter. I re-visited
it in the spring, and later wrote:
has come and hates the war --
the dead on her green meadows,
blood on grass.
She mocks
the day with sunlit skies
and songbirds, and haunts the night
with whispers and the moon.
better on the cold days --
the lifeless black and gray of winter woods
matching well the moods of Mars
But Spring
has come, who hates the war
she's ripped the snowy blankets from the graves
and danced upon the ground where dead men sleep.
to readers: If you have comments, click here or on the link
at the bottom of the page!
search for Korean War History
Gary Murphy
wrote: Hi to the Kilroywashere website.
Your site popped up during a search for Korean war history.
Having read many things recently for the 50th anniversary
of World War II and some personal side excursions into the
history of Finland's wars with Russia at the same time,
I am looking for similar sites on Korea. The Finnish Ministry
of Defense posted a site that's impressive, (http://virtual.finland.fi) including a daily news dispatch about the "winter
war" of 1939 (. This type of information is my first
desire in finding Korean war history to learn.)
Now, about the
Kilroy Figure. At the Atterbury-Bakalar museum at Columbus
Municipal Airport (Indiana) they have a part of their World
War 2 display dedicated to the Kilroy legend. It gives a
brief explanation of it and includes a comical figure about
one of the jokes that must have been common to the legend
back then. The figure is a small Japanese lady figure that's
heavily pregnant and has a caption "Kilroy was here".
Guess who was responsible for that!
We've had a lot
of fun inviting and accompanying my grandfather to memorial
dedications and various 50th anniversary world war 2 activities.
the Korean war doesn't fit neatly into my family's history
as the next generation wasn't old enough until the height
of the Vietnam War. I would enjoy making an internet buddy
of any Korean Veteran who could help further my education
on this war,
and the often unreported DMZ battles after the armistice.
I've heard personal tales of these happening as recently
as 1991.
I'll forward
anything I hear from your viewers to my family, esp brother
and grandfather. we all make a year round hobby of history.
to readers: If you would like to respond to Gary's request,
click here. I will forward to Gary.
Leopoldville Disaster
On Christmas
Eve 1944, the troopship Leopoldville was torpedoed &
sunk in the English Channel by the German sub U-486. All
2,235 American soldiers aboard were members of 66th Infantry
Division. There were 763 confirmed dead from 47 of then
48 states. There were 3 sets of brothers killed including
2 sets of twins. The bodies of both sets of twins were among
the 493 never found. It was the worst disaster to ever befall
an American Infantry Division as the result of an enemy
submarine attack. Yet it is a tragedy the history books
I am the author
of S.S. Leopoldville Disaster December 24, 1944. The back
of my book has a In Memoriam section listing the names of
all 763 confirmed dead alphabetical order by state. The
Leopoldville Disaster Monument Ft. Benning, Georgia has
all 763 names engraved on monument alphabetical order by
state. Names taken directly from my book.
Many families
all across America are still trying find out true circumstances
of their loved ones death. I have complete "Leopoldville
Disaster File" from National Archives. I help families
learn facts & have connected a number of families with
survivors from their relatives Company & platoon. My
research for such families is offered for free with no strings
attached. If you are seeking info about a Leopoldville victim
or survivor, contact Leopoldville Disaster Author/Historian
Allan Andrade as follows. <agandrade@earthlink.net>
Allan Andrade
Leopoldville Disaster Author/Historian
For more information
contact the author directly at:
or read the reviews at
and Noble
Bill Hoover's Ammo . . .
Jim Wright wrote
In Bill Hoover's story, he mentioned
"2nd Armored was the first Amtrac to be fitted with
a open turret and a 75 mm canon, and was to be used as an
assault weapon to get heavy fire power to the beach before
the infantry landed." He might find it interesting
that in 1956 I was LNO* (head FO**) of India Battery, 11th
Marines ("Item" until that year.) FOs love to
shoot artillery fire; most of us would have paid the Corps
to let us do it. It is not so much fun, I understand, when
folks are shooting back at you. The old armored LVTs, the
ones used in WWII, were phased out and replaced by a heavier
LVTA that mounted a 105. At that time, the Corps had no
remaining 75 mm weapons in the division, except the recoilless
stuff. That's why the usually thrifty Corps let us cannoneer
types have a shooting orgy and shoot up all the 75mm stuff
in the area. By the way, the great old 75 shooting amtracs
don't have any FOs so they borrowed us artillery types for
the occasion. It was in 1956 when I was a regular.One fine
day we got a call from division telling us that the amtrac
battalion's old LVTs, the ones Mr. Hoover is talking about,
were being phased out and wanted us to shoot up all the
75mm ammo left in the area. We FOs were delighted to accept
and for a couple of days, old "FightemItem's"***
forward observers blew up half of Camp Pendleton with all
the 75 ammo left on the West Coast. Talk about kids with
a key to the candy shop!
In 1965 I went back to the old area
as a reserve S3, with 2-14. My old regular outfit had just
shipped out for VN that very day. I was disgusted then and
still am that it had been sent off to war without having
ammo to train with before it left. In peacetime ammo was
so short the last month before I Battery and the rest of
the 1st MarDiv left for Vietnam, the battalion's batteries
were only issued 30-40 rounds each. Nobody got to shoot
many rounds. You'd think we'd have learned by 1965 from
the experience of the Eleventh Marines in the summer of
1950, when the regiment was put together on board the ships
taking them west. According to Col. Fox Parry, then the
CO of 3/11, his was the only battalion that even got to
train with ammunition, and the only way they were able to
scrounge up 300 rounds of 105 was by begging, borrowing
and stealing old surveyed rounds turned in to the Army as
damaged. He recalls seeing Red Herndon, one of the battery
execs, pounding the dents out of a powder canister so that
the damned round would go in the breech. This country surely
does not seem to absorb the lessons of the past and it costs
a lot of lives in the beginning of a war. Reading his book,
Three-War Marine, I was astounded to see more evidence that
if the Marine Corps is a family, the Marine artillery is
a small family. Two of his battery commanders in 1950 were
my battalion commanders later in the 1960s. Herndon was
later CO of the 4.5 Rockets and I was exec, the last exec,
of the good old Charlie Rockets outfit in the reserves in
the 1960s. Willie Gore, another exec of the Chosin battle,
taught all us second looies firing battery in a short course
at Quantico. He was a natural teacher and we came out of
that 4-week course prepared to earn our pay as FOs and,
in a pinch, execs
It still bugs me that we sent the Eleventh
Marines off to war in 1965 having had only 30-40 rounds
per battery to train with. As a reserve on ATD (summer training),
the S3 of 2-14, I walked into my old office from my 3-11
days at 16 Area in Pendleton about an hour after my old
battalion departed for Vietnam in June of '65. The outfit's
ammo allotment was on a sheet of paper under the acetate
on my old desk. For some reason, the Corps was always extremely
generous with us reserves. I could get 200 rounds per day
for our batteries if I wanted it. And I wanted it; there's
nothing like shooting to teach you how to shoot. We had
sharp people; I'd have put my old reserve howitzer battery,
E of the 14th Marines, up against any regular battery I
ever saw.
* Liason Officer, normally the most
experienced FO
** Forward Observer
*** My old firing battery from 3-11 was I Battery, hence
was named Item Battery in WWII and in Korea. Nobody much
liked the new alphabet, which you'll remember was adopted
to help the French pronounce the NATO alphabet, but the
French quit NATO almost the same day it went into effect
on 1JAN56, FightemItem was a kind of war cry of the battery,
dating from the regimental football tournament, I think.
M/Sgt Paul Tillery's story
J.D. White wrote
Dear Paul (M/Sgt
Paul Tillery's story):
I want to congratulate
you on the great job you did on your page for the 124th.
I flew L-5s with the 25th Liaison Sqdn on Mindanao and your
pictures brought back a lot of memories. I think the picture
of Jap Gen. Morozumi includes our CO (Major Geo. Wilson)
who flew down to Davao to bring the general to our airfield
at Del Monte for the surrrender ceremony at Xth Corps Hdqtrs.
A few days later I flew Jap Gen Haroda (Harada? Horada?
or Horoda?) from Davao to Del Monte. He was the 2nd in the
Jap command and was sent to Mindanao for the specific purpose
of eliminating the guerrilla forces led by American Col.
Wendell Fertig. If you haven't read it, you would enjoy
John Keats book "They Fought Alone" which
is the story of the American service men on Mindanao who
did not surrender and continued fighting as a guerrilla
force. I have some pictures that you might want to add to
your collection. If so, let me know and I'll try to get
copies made for you. You should be proud of your work and
I am sending a link to it to several old 25th L Sqdrn buddies
who will enjoy it.
the name . . .
Maureen Bagwell wrote:
I've been seeing
Kilroys all my life! My maiden name is Kilroy, and I am
one of seven children. Although I have no recollection of
WW II, my mother tells me the legend made her life a bit
difficult during the war. Apparently no one believed Kilroy
was her name, and she had quite a time getting anyone to
accept her checks! My family and I have always enjoyed the
legend that goes with our name, and are always interested
in new stories.
Paul Hacker wrote:
Reference Col. Richardson's Broken
Arrow story. Is that bomb still
down in the Ocean?
Col. Richardson
our pre-flight briefing , we were told that the plutonium
capsule for the device was not installed only the
high explosive triggering mechanism was in the bomb. Later
this was questioned. A wide spread search was made in an
attempt to recover the bomb but no sign of it was ever found.
Within a month of this incident , an identical bomb was
accidentally dropped in a field, it exploded into fragments
on contact. I think that is probably what happened to the
device that was dropped in water. It probably exploded leaving
little or no identifiable debris. During the recovery attempt,
no radiation was detected. That could verify the lack of
a nuclear presence or that the bomb didn't explode and was
intact. No recovery was ever made.
the rest of the story 2005. Click the star
after the war
I have saved your site in my "Favorites".
Will now go back and peruse through it all and keep it up
dated as you add things and as to the guest book.
I can't tell you how many times I have
seen the Kilroy message in my years in the service. I am
70 now and joined after the war ended in June 1947. I got
out of school in 1946 but waited till the next year when
all my close friends graduated and we went in together.
Even though it had ended it was still quite patriotic to
go into the service and of course there had to be a constabulary
force to keep the peace overseas after the fighting men
left to go home.
By that time, however, "Kilroy"
had visited just about every blank wall in the world. I
wish I could think of some of the thousands and "odd"
places I found it, but the memory is old now and can't come
up with any. If I do, or think of something else to say
I will sign the guest book. Spent the largest part of my
time behind the "Iron Curtain" in Vienna Austria.
When I give it some thought I am sure I will come up with
Having come from the Boston area myself
it was enlightening to find that it started there. They
also had a bridge there, still do, that used to be called
the "Mystic River Bridge". I believe it was a
"fete" of some kind when they built it having
hit a particular point on the opposite side of where they
started. (Something in that nature) In any event it was
very popular at first. Signs were erected all over with
arrows directing cars towards the bridge. I recall one that
was evidently brought over by a GI to Vienna and he planted
it at the foot of the Mariahilferstrasses and the (I believe
the name is) Kartner Ring. Been a lot of years since then
so may be wrong on the Kartner ring. Anyway I seen it one
day and never again. But GI's are funny!!!
You have done a lot of work and I am
sure it is well appreciated by the masses.
Thanks again,
Bill Nutile
High School
Greetings from Northern Illinois -
I have been looking for sites to have Juniors at East HS
in McHenry IL to look for the other history - the stuff
that our 1988 text does not even come close to touching.
Your site is just what I hope my students understand that
I want them to read and reflect on. Thanks! We will be starting
next week with WW1 and moving to WWII and Korea the week
after to read our other history. I have to get them to Desert
Storm + . that is their new history and it needs to be built
on our history. Well thanks. See you in a week or so.
Marty Sobczak - East HS McHenry IL
I find your letter especially satisfying! The hope that
my site could help keep the memory of those times alive
is what got me started. I am sending you some more information.
Keep up the good work!
NAS Blimp Hangars: A "trace" remained in 1976!
I just read the article about the blimp Hangars at NAS Pensacola,
FL. The article concludes with "The Hangars were finally
razed in 1954, leaving no trace of the lighter-than air
period." When I worked there in 1974-76, the foundations
of the blimp Hangar were still there. I parked next to them
many times. I believe this constitutes "a trace".
Ken Rice
Don't know for
sure but I think that the new campus has destroyed all of
the foundations. If Ken would let me know where he parked
I'll try to get a picture of place.
Tom Kercher
to readers: If you have any other information about the
Hangars, please contact the editor. Click here or on the
link at the bottom of the page!
Honor My Brothers
Dear sir:
My name is Gerald Cagle. I was born after WW II ended, but
my family suffered a great loss before I was born. Two of
my brothers were killed in WWII. Clyde was KIA in Normandy
on July 12, 1944 near St. Lo. George M. (Melton) was killed
in Neurath, Germany on March 3, 1945. He was killed accidentally
while cleaning the machine gun on his tank. Clyde was in
Co. L, 121st Regiment, of the 8th Division. Melton was in
Co. D, 786th Tank Battalion, attached to the 99th Division.
As you can imagine, it has been my life's quest to find
out as much about them as I could and honor them in my life
and in any other way that I could. Since they were killed
before I was born, this has been difficult. My family has
not wanted to talk about them much. It was too painful.
At one time, my mother had three sons and five brothers
in service during WWII. One of her brothers was a POW in
Germany. I am not writing this to get sympathy. My family
lost much, but I am proud to be an American, and while I
did not serve in the military, I feel a very close bond
to servicemen and their families, especially those who paid
the supreme price. I am thankful that my brothers were willing
to serve, but I miss not knowing them. Through the internet
and sources I have found, I have learned much about where
they were when they died and their schedule of service in
getting there. Clyde is buried in the Normandy Colleville
Cemetery in Normandy, and Melton is buried in the Henri
Chappelle cemetery in Belgium. I don't know as much about
Melton's life as I do about Clyde's. There are just more
letters from Clyde and about him. The organization of Normandy
Allies has a page memorializing Clyde. I wonder if you would
look at it. If it would be possible, could you include it
in your site. I want to keep their memory alive. Part of
the way I can do that is to try to get this site in front
of as many people as possible. I don't know if there are
Copyright considerations in something such as this, but
if you are interested, would you correspond with them, or
if you wish, I will. I thank you for your website. Thank
you for honoring our heroes. I also thank you for your consideration.
Here is a link to the web page:
May God richly bless you and give you the wisdom to continue
your work.
Gerald Cagle
Response 1/04/00
I looked at your link (activated above for others.) It is
a beautiful tribute to your brother. I will also put the
link and that of the
The Organization of Normandy
Allies in the Research page. Both have information that
my readers will want. I try not to repeat stories that are
easily available so I will settle for the link now, but
how about Melton? Do you have enough on him to devote a
page to him?
Kilroys Dad?
Edwin wrote:
I bought this
old photo in a shop in Northern California. On the back
it is dated April 14, 1950 and says "Hello Ethel".
The photo seems to suggest that the man is named Wally Kilroy
and his son was in the military. Could this be the father
of James J. Kilroy? Is there a photo of James Kilroy available
to compare with the photo on the front of the covered w agon?
Edwin P. Berlin,
Click here or thumbnail at right to see full picture
What a great old picture! I've never heard of any reference
to Kilroy's family or of him ever being in the military
but it's fun to think so.
to readers: If you have any other information about Kilroy,
please contact the editor. Click here or on the link at
the bottom of the page!

A Mild Rebuke
Vincent A. Krepps wrote:
Dear Webmaster.
I think it is about time for you to catch up with the change
of Korea Police Action and Korean Conflict to the Korean War.
By Act of Congress, President Clinton on September 22, 1998
officially announced by provision section 1067 that the Conflict
that began on June 25, 1950 and lasted until July 27, 1953
is now known as the Korean War.
I think changes on your web page would make the Korean War
Veterans visit your site more often if they saw the Korean
War for most of us are very offended by those that continue
to call it a Police Action or a Conflict.
Vincent A. Krepps
Editor, The Graybeards
Co-Webmaster www.kwva.org
You are so right! It was a war, and a
very brutal, vicious one at that. I was being sarcastic (since
it was started as a "police action") and hoped that
would be apparent from the quotation marks. However, since
my sarcasm may be missed by others as well, I will take your
advice and change all references of a "police Action"
to a war.
Thank you for your constructive criticism!
The last thing I want is to offend the very people I set out
to honor! With your permission, I'll add your very good, informative
site to my links page.
Thanks again!
Note to
readers: I was mistaken, Vince's site was already featured
on my links page. These are, indeed the folks who KNOW about
the Korean WAR!

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