page 2 . . .
When all else fails, search here
for missing loved ones, buddies, or other WWII/Korean War related

that's only half of the story
The 10th Special Forces
Group (Airborne) stationed at Fort Carson, Colorado is seeking
the names, and POC's of any surviving "Original Member"
(Mid-1952, through November 1953 era) who joined the Group
at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. If you were a member, or you
know someone who was a member, you are requested to contact
CW3 David Clark soonest.
In Advance - Thank you.
Cliff Newman
Executive Director
Special Forces Association
PO Box 41436
Fayetteville, NC 28309
(910) 485-5433
To help, contact above or Click
Here to email Editor
Independent filmmaker appeals to London WWII Veterans
My name is Mihaal Danziger
and I am a filmmaker interested in contacting a WWII veteran
living in London for research and an interview for a short
documentary. More specifically I am seeking a veteran familiar
with the "Kilroy was here" WWII graffiti, for
a small project dedicated to commemorating the Kilroy phenomena.
If you are interested in taking part, please contact
the editor. 
that's only half of the story
Image of KWH dating from WWII
As nose art but that's only
part of the story! Click

Here's a photo of a 75mm GMC
(Gun Motor Carriage). My research indicates that all
five of the crew members on this particular vehicle
won Silver Stars fighting at Cape Gloucester on New
Britain. Pretty impressive, huh? I found a bunch of
other medal winners who crewed these things
and I think that anyone who rode into combat in them
was one tough son of a gun. It seems all their firing
was done at point blank ranges, meaning that the enemy
was firing their weapons back at them at point blank
ranges as well.
Click image for larger view
their firing was at point blank range
Search for Marines
who served on halftracks
Bill Auerbach
I am writing a book on Marines who served on 75mm Self
Propelled Guns (halftracks) in the Weapons Companies
of Marine Divisions during WW2. I would especially like
to contact any of the men from Third Battalion, Seventh
Marines, 1st Marine Division who won Silver Stars on
Cape Gloucester (Thomas F. Lynch, William H. Barry,
George Janiszewski, George Pappas, Francis R.Ryan or
a loader named Bratzanski) or anyone who served in these
companies on Guadalcanal, Peleliu, Tarawa,
Iwo, etc. Looking for photos, documents, or any other material
relating to these units. Those SP mounts had only the thinnest
armor and were totally open on top, and I would like to tell
the story of the brave men who crewed them. I would appreciate
hearing from anyone who could
Contact the Editor if you have any information - Click
the star 
FIS ADC Charleston, SC AFB and the 792nd Aircraft Control.
. .
needs you for research
have just started assembling information about a mid air collision
that happened about 70 west of Charleston, SC on Feb 5, 1958
that will ultimately become a novel. A flight of two B-47s
departed Homestead AFB at 4:51 Eastern on a round robin training
flight of about 9 hours up to the Canadian border and back.
Aboard was a 7,600 pound Mark 15 nuclear bomb. The bomb was
not equipped with the plutonium capsule necessary for a nuclear
explosion but contained about 400 pounds of TNT. Major Howard
Richardson was the aircraft commander of Ivory 2, the second
aircraft in the flight. Their mission consisted of air refueling
over the Gulf of Mexico south of New Orleans, fighter attacks
in hostile territory and a simulated bomb drop over Radford,
Virginia. The mission was completed as planned and Major Richardson
and his tired crew continued south toward Homestead AFB maintaining
a distance of 35 miles behind the lead aircraft, Ivory 1.
They were out of hostile territory and the remainder of the
flight would be routine. At least that is what Richardson
and his crew thought. Because of a communication failure,
fighter intercepts were authorized after they passed the target
at Radford. They could be attacked at any time. In fact preparations
were under way at Charleston, SC to attack both B-47s. At
12:08 Hemingway, an Aircraft Control and Warning radar site
scrambled 3 F-86s to intercept Ivory 2. They were airborne
in 5 minutes and a short time later a director inside the
Hemingway radar room issued heading, speed and altitude instructions
to the Pug Gold flight, call sign of the F-86s. 15 minutes
later all three F-86s had made radar contact with Ivory 2.
The lead aircraft made an identification pass on Ivory 2.
Pug Gold 2, flown by 1st Lt. Clarence A. Stewart was next
to make an intercept. He started his run and called 20 seconds
before missile impact. Seconds later Steward felt turbulence,
saw contrails in the full moon light and then saw the rear
of a B-47, very close. He ducked down, pushed the stick full
to the right and forward, but it was too late. His left wing
sliced into the right wing of the B-47, demolishing the main
wing spar, knocked the auxiliary fuel wing tank off, almost
knocked number six engine off and the fuselage and tail section
was damaged from pieces of the F-86. Stewart managed to eject
a split second before the impact and explosion. Both B-47
pilots saw a bright flash and a loud crunch that made the
B-47 shudder. Richardson made a quick decision not to eject
and try to fly the crippled B-47 to nearby Hunter AFB. Due
to substantial damage to the
B-47 and the runway construction at Hunter, Major Howard Richardson
decided it was too risky to land with the bomb on board and
decided to jettison the bomb in the bay near Savannah. It
has not been recovered. Richardson made a heroic landing at
Hunter. The aircraft was a total loss.
I would like to discuss this incident with anyone stationed
at the following bases on or before Feb. 5 1958: 444th FIS
ADC Charleston, SC AFB, 792nd Aircraft Control and Warning
Squadron, North Charleston, SC, base ops or control tower
at Homestead and Hunter.
Charles D. Richardson
your Search is here and with the original story.
read it all, Click HERE
Me-262 artifacts
aircraft in history have fired the imagination like
the Messerschmitt Me 262. Born of the desperate circumstances
of war, this masterpiece of technology and innovation
forever changed the face of aviation when it first
appeared in the skies over Europe in 1944.
Considering the short operational
life of the aircraft in an already lost cause, the
popularity of the Me 262 has endured with surprising
fervor. Still, despite the obvious interest, none
of these planes have taken to the skies in well over
50 years."
This is from Me-262
Here's the Search
"Hello, I am looking
for German aircraft artifacts from WWII such as control
sticks, aircraft instruments, gunsights, photos, documents,
etc. I am particularly interested in the Messerschmitt
Me 262 jet or any other German jet or propeller fighter
plane. I have been interested in German planes for many
years and have been writing on a book about the Me 262
since about 2003. I am always looking for photos of Me
262s that were taken during or at the end of the war.
Thanks! Roger Gaemperle, |
Please contact
the editor with information

Am example of Taschen's Art Books
Click image for larger view
believe there are none
Search for a WWII
image of Kilroy
I'm still looking for a real WWII photo of Kilroy
Was Here, and I need some more help. Do you think
a rare soldier with a camera may have taken one
in his journeys, and contacting vets to look through
their personal albums could be fruitful? I want
to include it in a art book I am working on.FOUND!
is a renowned international art book publisher, and the book
in which the photo would be included is a large coffee table
size art book -- having a Kilroy image printed in the historical
title about street art would show people around the world
that Kilroy was not a myth, and it was in fact a very effective
method, psychologically, personally, territorially etc, of
demonstrating presence.
Ethel Seno, Editor
The History of Uncommissioned Public Art
TASCHEN Publishing
Editor's Note: One problem
is that cameras were not allowed for combat troops nor were
diaries or even some forms of ID. Believe it or not, there
are those that say there are no WWII images of Kilroy. See:
Help us prove the site wrong and help publish a beautiful
book that will include the image.
Contact the Editor if
you have any information - Click the star 
An immediate success
My name is Joseph
Lasko. I am a young 86 years old and living with my daughter
in Myrtle Beach, S.C. I am trying to find anyone who is
still with us from the 31st infantry, 124th regiment, service
company. It would be great to hear from anyone who served
with me during World War II in the

Company Reunion Photo
Click image for a larger view
Philippines or New Guinea or anyone
who remembers me. Thanks and God Bless.
Joseph, I think you came to the right
place and I am pleased! There are few things about this job
more satisfying than getting old buddies together. Start by
looking at Paul Tillery's story here:
Be sure to continue to the photo albums!
Also, check to see if you have any journals at:
Read Dr. Deas' Tribute at:
I will also forward your letter to Paul Tillery. You may have
mutual friends.
The Website referred
your inquiry to me. Sure I remember the name Joe Lasko and
it's great to hear from you. You are young, as I am 87 and
will be 88 May 1st. I was M/Sgt in transportation and Buchman
was M/Sgt in the repair shop with W/O Gene Vann. The only
one's remaining from Service Comapny that I am aware of are
Don Dyer, Broughton Stancil, David Bailey and Harris George.
We had Service Company reunions for years but it dwindled
down to where that there wasn't enough of us to have a Company
reunion. I have a picture of our first reunion which was held
in Orlando in 1984 and here is the picture. This should bring
back memories.
Aubrey Paul Tillery
Need Help from
Veterans of St. Lô
about the 803rd Tank Destroyer Bn.
I am historian/author and live in France. I wrote several
books about the battle of Normandy. For a year, I have
been working on my seventh book about the battle of St.
Lô. The text starts July 7, 1944 with the offensive
of the XIXth US Army Corps. The American troops needed
12 days to enter St. Lô. Nearly 18,000 Americans
soldiers were killed. The 115th US Infantry Regiment with
the 29th Reconnaissance Troops entered the city of St.
Lô - belonged to the Task Force Cota - with the
support of Company B from the 803rd Tank Destroyer Bn.
It is this last Company which is of interest to me. All
I know is that his commander, Captain Sydney A. Vincent,
Jr, was killed when he organized an action with his Tank
Destroyers. Did this company have 12 Tank destroyers?
I know also that two Tank Destroyers were destroyed. I
present you some pictures from this Tank Destroyers in
St. Lô. Some of them are known but I would like
to get some information about the engagements or every
information which allow me to write intelligent captions.
For the veterans or historians interested by my questions,
know that I am going to St Lô for research the first
week of January 2007. This book will be translated in
English in June or July 2007. My first one in English
is for February 2007: The III. Panzer Korps During the
Battle of Koursk. My site is:
I thank you in advance for your help.
Sincerely yours
Didier Lodieu
National Archives
image for larger view
In this picture from we
see a Sherman from the 747th Tank Battalion with some
G.I.'s probably from the 1st Bn, 115th. You'll see "
Cafe Restaurant" painted on a wall to the left. |
Here you see the Tank Destroyer with two soldiers killed
beside. You'll see agaon the same wall with Cafe Restaurant
painted on it. But on this picture, you' discover two
or three big holes made by an piece of artillery or
a pak (Antitank gun). The shot came from the right.
So, this pictures with the TD had been shot after the
picture above.
National Archives
image for larger view
National Archives
image for larger view
The famed steeple and ruins of St.
Standing too close
to a Tank Destroyer firing!
National Archives
image for larger view
a promise I made a long time ago to someone I love. .
Sparlan "Sparky" Ruff
Click the image for a larger view
Us Find Sparky!
of all I want to congratulate you on a great website!
I am trying to
locate our family friend PFC Sparlan "Sparky"
Ruff, WWII Veteran, 2nd Marine Division. I am sending
along his photographs. I am including a photo of Sparky
and his friend Jim Sledge (2nd Marine Division) taken
in Okinawa in the hopes that someone may know Sparky
or Jim.
I have researched Sparky on several sites,
including yours and the WWII memorial. He is not listed
on the memorial site and I cannot
seem to locate him but plan to keep trying. I also
have a picture of him in uniform with friends at Bob
Brooks' seven Seas Restaurant in Hollywood, CA, dated
July 20, 1946 so I know he made it through the war.
I have no idea what state to look in and have tried
CA. I have come up dry with Social Security death inquiries.
I imagine he would be approximately 78 to 80 years of
age if he is still living.
Sparky was a good friend of my mothers. She casually
looked for him and others in their circle of friends
off and on for years .She

the Seven Seas Restaurant in Hollywood
Click the image for a larger view

& Pete in Okinawa
Click the image for a larger view
used to tell me about what a great
group of friends they all were during the war years
and after. The fun times they shared and the cohesiveness.
The group drifted apart but she was able to remain friends
with some of her girlfriends and one couple that married
out of the original group.
My mom died several years ago and
I promised I would try and look up Sparky and one other
girlfriend. I found the girlfriend but unfortunately
she had passed away. Life has kept me busy so my search
until now has been somewhat lax. During the past year
I discovered more photos of Sparky and other friends
which ignited my search again.
I guess it all boils down to keeping
a promise I made a long time ago to
someone I love. Thank you again for making such a wonderful
website available. I hope someone out there can help
me locate Sparky.
Lynn Cummings

Sparky &
Pete in Okinawa
Click the image for a larger view

Sparky &
Pete in Okinawa
Click the image for a larger view

Sparky & Jim Sledge. I only
know that Jim's name was on the back of the photo depicting
them in Okinawa. It would be interesting to learn if
he is related to E.B. Sledge, the author. See
With the Old Breed at Peleliu and Okinawa
Click the image for a larger view

Sparky &
Jim Sledge
Click the image for a larger view
father was in the U S Navy during the war.
Search for
Day Star
Parus wrote:
Thank you for your interesting
web site. I read about the German occupation of Denmark
during World War II. I have previously read a book here
in the USA about Danes smuggling people out of the country
who were threatened by the Germans. I am inspired by
the stories of ordinary people risking their lives to
help their neighbors.
I currently work with a woman whose father was in the
United States Navy during the war. He said that one

Troops on their way home
of the ships that he served on was a
war ship from Denmark called the Day Star. I do not understand
how an American sailor could serve on a Danish war ship. Is
it possible that some Danish naval vessels were away when the
Germans invaded? Or, perhaps they managed to escape during the
I would appreciate
any information that you may have about this particular ship.
Thank you.
Walt. That is, indeed an interesting
sidebar to WWII. It was not at all unusual for that to happen
or more often the other way. That is, foreign crews remaining
on their ships or volunteering to man American ships. On June
6, 1941, President Roosevelt signed The Ship Requisition Act
(Public Law 101 [H.R. 4466] which allowed the Coast Guard
to seize vessels for the war effort. At that time there were
some 84 inactive large ships of foreign registry in American
ports. Some were from countries overrun by Germany, like the
Day Star. Others were from Axis powers that were seized when
the war started. These ships (though not "war ships")
were manned by the Army Transportation Service, with "civilian"
mariners; by the U.S. Navy; and the War Shipping Administration.
The Day Star was one of about 40 Danish
ships that were eventual acquired and served the war effort
very well as a troopship. On August 20, 1941, the U.S. Maritime
Commission appealed to Danish seamen to remain aboard their
requisitioned vessels. The appeal included wage scales, war
bonuses, overtime, insurance for injuries and loss of life,
payment of allotments in accordance with the wishes of the
seamen, and accrued wages.
If you would like more information on
Day Star or other merchant ships during WWII, try:
Merchant Marine at War
Also, if you would like to contact people
who were or relatives of people who were aboard Day Star see:
Contact Dr. Long
Ralph S. Long, Ph.D
or see Kenny's story of being aboard
her and pictures.
Kenny D. Diggs
a 1942 Wedding gift
Jake and Bride
USS Heron

The Silver Tray

Inscription (1942)
I am seeking information on the
USS Heron dated 1942 and, in particular, a sailor named
Jake who was married in March of that year.
I live in Australia and purchased from an antique shop
25 years ago a silver tray and cocktail stands engraved
'To Jake and Bride' from the crew of the USS Heron
24-3-42. (Obviously a wedding gift.)
I would like to find Jake's family and return this to them.
Note: Contact the Editor
if you have any information - Click the star 
(Bergamo - Northern Italy).
Were you in the Italian Campaign
If you were in or
have friends who were in the Italian campaign, please
contact me. If you have memories about that period
(that, here we call "Liberation War") or
if you may have pictures of that time (1943-1945),
please let me know. It will be used for our next exhibition
to be held in Palazzago next 25th April 2005 (the
60th anniversary of Italy Liberation.)

Italian Ministry of Justice Mr. Castelli (close to the
flags), Mr. Jacobelli (smiling) , the regional assessor
of Cultures Mr. Albertoni. Mr. Orlandi (the last on
the right) who followed the graphics exibition.
Click Image for a larger view

Dr. Michele
Also, I have heard
of many inhabitants of Palazzago during the war helped
many allied prisoners (POW) in Italy (and escaped from
prison camps after 8th september 1943) to reach the
Switzerland borders. It would be fine to find some of
Veterans helped by some people of Palazzago!
Dr. Michele
Palazzago, (Bergamo) Italy
Editor's Note: I first met Dr.
Jacobelli this year as he was preparing his exhibition
for D-Day 6 June 2004. It was "to honour the American,
British, Canadian soldiers who died to liberate our
Countries"., along with the D-day Museum, Imperial
War Museum from London, D-Day - Normandie 44 : Etat
des Lieux, Tony Leone, Les Cruise, James Ray Lemaire,
Bob Wallace, Roy Pirah, many surviving veterans and
others did what we could to help. His exhibition was
such a big success that the President of the Italian
Republic expressed appreciation to the Municipal Administration
of Palazzago:
" On the occasion of the exhibition D-day 60th
anniversary of the Landing in Normandy. The duty of
the memory makes stronger the bond between the past
and the present of our Republic strengthening in the
common conscience the consciousness of democracy basic
values: peace, justice, integration among different
identities of peoples."
General Secretary
of Republic Presidency
The exhibit was recognized throughout Italy and, indeed,
the world on TV. Put the URLs below into Google. When
it finds the site, click translate.
For TV see:
. You will see, on the left: NEWS and then RAI1 RAI3
RAI3, GR1 GR2 GR3, TG e Meteo regionali You choose the
word LOMBARDIA And then the NEWS in Italian starts using
Real Player. If you want you can push the cursor of
the player at 3/4 and, after the news about a singer,
you will see the inside of our Town Council Hall with
the exhibition. The music RAI put on seems to be the
Note: Contact the Editor
if you have any information for Dr. Jacobelli - Click
for the untold story
for Admiral Moon
Rear Admiral Donald Pardee Moon, USN,
hero of many battles and the invasion of Normandy died under
unusual circumstances. Reportedly, he committed suicide. Generally
accepted history tells us that on the fifth of August, laden
with combat fatigue from Normandy, and because of what was officially
termed "combat-related stress," and with the ill-fated
Exercise Tiger preying on his mind, he placed a 45 automatic
in his mouth and fired. See Orus Kinney's personal account,
Attack D-day Rehearsal in England:
an update to his Nazi Smart Bombs story. Admiral Moon was replaced
by Rear Admiral Spencer Lewis, USN.
On D-day, three American Task Forces
were assigned. Those under Admiral Hall and Admiral Moon were
the assault forces. The third, a follow-up, to sail a little
later, was under Commodore Edgar. A fourth American unit,
under Admiral Wilkes, Commander of Landing Craft and Bases,
would remain in England until the time came for it to move
Before Normandy, Admiral Moon was operational
commander for Operation Tiger, a rehearsal for the D-day landings
that ended in disaster and tragedy. A German E-Boat (German
fast Patrol Torpedo boat similar to our PT boats) attack took
place resulting in the loss of more than 700 allied soldiers.
It was considered by many, inexplicable that the operation
took take place in the full knowledge that there was a potent
E-boat threat in the area and that the Germans were actually
at sea on the night of the April 27. Admiral Moon, though
not charged, received a lot of hostility from both the British
and Americans.
Admiral Moon was the highest-ranking
serviceman to commit suicide during World War II. But it was
kept very quiet, because they didn't want the enemy to know.
This is what the history books tell us
but did he? Was he? Jonathan Alter, researching the story
is not so sure. He wrote:
I am seeking any concrete information regarding the death
of Admiral Moon - witness accounts, documents or anything
that will shed some light on it. There has been a lot of scuttlebutt
out there, some saying that Moon committed suicide but the
suicide story doesn't ring true. Who actually saw it? When?
How? What happened to Moon's body? There are just too many
holes in the suicide story - too many unknowns. I have been
in contact with veterans who served under or with Moon. They
can't believe the suicide story and wonder what really happened.
To this day, there has been no concrete proof as to the manner
of death. We need the names of those involved in the investigation.
We need to know how the supposed "verdict" of suicide
was arrived at! We need to know if a Captain Henry Moran,
USN or Sec. of Navy James Forrestal were involved. What were
the roles of Captain Rutledge B. Tompkins or Lt. Cmdr. Robert
H. Thayer? Who found Moon dead? Who visited him in the 24
hours before his death? Was a Board of Inquiry held? What
was done with Moon's body? What were the transport arrangements?
Where is he buried?
My primary purpose is to clear the name of Admiral Moon of
the stigma of suicide. It is the right thing to do. Once that
is done, I will, first, inform the USS Bayfield veterans and
all those who have helped me in this quest. After all that,
I may consider writing a book or building a web-site.
Thanks, Jonathan
If you have any information about Adm. Moon, please click
War II Victory Garden
Images Wanted of Miami
Beach During WWII
are constructing a community garden honoring the idea of the
World War II Victory Garden in Miami Beach that has an Art
in Public Places component depicting the military and families
that helped domestic training activities in Miami Beach during
WWII. Please email any digital images to
Garden ribbon cutting is Pearl Harbor Day 2003.
Stacy Kilroy Lotspeich
Senior Capital Project Planner
City of Miami Beach
Capital Improvement Projects Office
tel: (305) 673-7071 fax: (305) 673-7073
Mailing Address:
City of Miami Beach
Capital Improvement Projects Office
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, FL 33139

Remember this Pub in 1942?
any image for a larger view

The Western Vaults, pub in Aberystwyth, Thelma

Mum and sisters (1942)
Is there anyone out there who was
or,who knows anyone who was, stationed in or near to
Aberystwyth, West Wales during WWII. I would be most
grateful if you could contact me please.
My name is Thelma Mahon I was born
in Whiston Hospital near Liverpool on 13th February
1943. I have been searching for my father since I discovered
eight years ago, after my mum passed
away, that he was in the Canadian Army.
He was stationed in, or, close to Aberystwyth, West Wales in
1942 where he met my mum May Hedges, she had moved there to
be close to my two sisters Norma and Vivienne who had been evacuated
there from Liverpool.
My sisters, met him quite a few times
and say that if they saw a photograph they would recognize
him. Their relationship went on for some time, apparently
he visited my mum when she returned to Liverpool in late 1942.
During his visit he met some of my mum's relatives.
Nobody seems to know the last time my mum saw him. There was
a pub in Aberystwyth called the The Western Vaults where a
lot of the military used to drink. Maybe this will ring a
bell with somebody. I have tried numerous ways of tracing
him and written lots of letters, I hope this is the lucky
one. Just a photograph of him, or, to know if I have any half
brothers or sisters would give me some peace of mind.
Maybe it's too late now and he is no longer with us but, I
have to keep trying for the sake of my grandchildren. So please,
please if there is anyone out there who knew of this relationship,
or knew any RCA personnel who were stationed in or around
the area could contact me.
Note: Contact the Editor
if you have any information for Thelma - Click
brother's Dad
for William
His name is William R. Hill,
he was from California. He was stationed in Marfa, Texas in
1944 at the air base. He was a photographer. His plane that
he was on was shot down in Europe either in 1944 or 1945.
He was killed before my brother was born March 12, 1945.
If you have any information
on him it would
be great.Our family knows nothing about him at all but I think
my brother deserves to know something about his family since
my Mother either doesn't know anything
about them or will not share the information.
Dorothy McPheeters
The Birmingham Sailor
Orus Kinney wrote:
Hey sand
mountain, where are you from? The
voice came from above me, from a sailor standing in a LCVP
(Landing Craft Vehicle Personnel) which was resting on its
rack about five feet above main deck. The LCVP was rigged
to lay a smoke screen.
It was the second or third day of the Normandy
D-Day Invasion. We were aboard the USS Bayfield. The ships
intercom system had announced that enemy planes were approaching:
so, the LCVP was being prepared to be lifted over the side
and into the water to lay a screen.
Im from Horton, near Albertville,
Alabama, I answered. My duty station was in a forecastle
right near the LCVP rack. My Lieutenant was lying under the
smoke screen boat, catching a nap and I had come out to notify
him about the alert.
Im from near Birmingham(He
gave me a name of one of the nearby suburbs). He said that
he noticed me because I had Sand Mountain written
across the back of my denim shirt. I had used Clorox to do
the writing.
Lets get together after the
air raid is over, I suggested as I and the lieutenant
went into the forecastle. After the All Clear
was sounded, I went outside, on main deck, to wait for the
Bham Sailor and his LCVP to be lifted back up to the
Was I ever surprised, the LCVP was still
on its rack. It did not gone over the side, it did not lay
a smoke screen. What happened? I asked. What
happened to the sailor that was in the boat?
One of the several officers and men gathered
around the LCVP answered me. A small caliber shell
exploded in the boat, small pieces of shrapnel hit him in
the knees and legs.
I saw the splinters protruding from the
bottom of the boat where the shell exited and a dent in the
main deck where the nose of the projectile hit, right were
my lieutenants head was when I rousted him from his
I heard an explosion during the air raid;
it was nearby and rocked the ship. There was a lot of noise
from the anti-aircraft guns and I did not hear the noise of
the explosion that was about twenty feet from me.
I never saw the Bham Sailor again,
I never learned his name. I wonder if he still lives in the
Birmingham area, or what or where?
Orus also wrote the story
of the Nazi
Smart Bombs (site 3)
Graham Smith wrote:
I Would like to
contact anyone who served aboard the USS KINZER (APD-91) during
WWII or afterwards until about May 1946.
(APD-91) was commissioned in Charleston, SC in Nov. 1944,
on shakedown cruise to Bermuda, returning to Norfolk in December
and departed again for the Panama Canal in early January,
1945. She traversed the canal, up the west coast with stops
in San Diego, and San Francisco, (Treasure Island). She escorted
a Liberty ship to Pearl Harbor then went out to Guam via Kwajalein.
In March 1945 she arrived in a bay between Samar and Leyte,
PI. She departed the area and met up with other DD's and about
100 LST's headed for Okinawa. We took Kerama Rhetto island
just off Okinawa on March 26th. The participated in the full
invasion of Okinawa on April 1, 1945. The KINZER was assigned
night time recon mission in the small island around Okinawa
and during the daylight hours was on ASW patrols. We escorted
the USS SHEA (DMS-26, I think) to Guam after she was hit by
a BAKA bomb. We returned to Okinawa and stayed until mid July
when returned to Long Beach, Cal. for refitting. The refitting
was preparing to participate in invasion of home islands of
Japan. While there, the atomic bombs were dropped and the
war ended. The KINZER was then ordered back to WESTPAC for
further duty. We made several trips to small island areas
to bring troops back to Guam for staging. We then headed to
Manila, PI in October. Later we went to Haiphone, French Indo
China where we met up with eight APA's. Each APA embarked
2000 Chinese Nationalist troops and we escorted them up the
east coast of China to Chinwangtao, North China arriving about
7 November 1945. The dangerous part of this trip was passing
the mouth of the Yangtse river where mine sweepers had cleared
the area of mines. Many of the mines floated out to sea. As
an escort vessle and being first in line we had to keep a
sharp eye for these mines. We exploded and sank several dozen.
The night time was the worst as you could not see the mines
visually. The Chinese troops were disembarked in Chinwangtao
and the APA's departed. We were left behind to act as port
authority for future armies arriving during the year. Many
more Chinese armies arrived via APA's. LST's etc. We stayed
there until May 1946 with one side trip to Taku Roads for
refueling and one trip to Shanghai for R&R. We finally
headed Stateside in May 1946, stopping in Tsingtao to pick
up troops headed home. We arrived in Long Beach in late May.
I understand the KINZER was later mothballed.
Dear Editor; My name is Gilbert E.
Wyatt SM1/C Ex Navy. Graham Smith wrote a piece about the
Kinzer. I would like to get in touch with him? I was aboard
the Kinzer when she left Norfolk in January, 1945 for the
Panama Canal Stayed on her all through the invasion of Okinawa.
During that operation, we did a reconnoiter behind enemy lines
, with the USS Lindsey (DM32) She was guarding the Kinzer
, when hit by 2 Kamikaze on April 12, 1945. I'm certain of
this because my brother was killed on the Lindsey as I watched.
My CO relieved me of all duties and when we arrived in Long
Beach Ca I was immediately Transferred to the Receiving Station
Terminal Island and discharged there. I would like to know
if you remember this part? The Kinzer is now in the Chinese
Dear Editor:
My name is Doug Richardson and, as a member of the boat crew,
we boarded the Kinzer, APD-91 at Pearl Harbor. We had trained
as Scouts and Raiders in Ft. Pierce, Florida and in California.
We went with the on-board Marine Recon company on missions
to some islands in the southern Pacific. My various names
were known as Red Light and Pee Wee.
I remember the typhoon that sank so many ships and shooting
down our first kamikaze. I left the ship as a Coxwain in 1946.
Some of my buddies were Mellet, OBrien, Stilwell and

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