Kilroy Was Here, The Image
If I may be allowed a little self-congratulation,
note the image above. You will see him throughout the Internet, in
books, in comic strips, and places I never imagined. It is my registered,
copyrighted version of the graffiti. I'm not pointing out the registered
copyright to attempt to stop it's use but to establish authorship.
I, with my own two hands (after much research) drew this version in
1997. It has been registered since 1998.
Don't get me wrong, I have granted permission
to any and everyone who asked (with request for credit.) I am just so
proud that my version of millions has become the worldwide accepted
version. I hereby release the image for use by anyone but request credit
when used.
Now, let's consider the logic of Kilroy,
the graffiti. First it was simple and with an economy of time and effort!
As you can see below, it could be placed on a wall with 4 simple strokes
(5 with the optional hair.)
Complete Drawing---------------
First Stroke
and Forth Strokes-------
Fifth Stroke-------------------------
There was also the matter of 3 fingers instead
of four made popular by Disney in the 30's. It has been reported
that Disney went through a complicated analysis about whether animals,
and which animals, appeared to have three fingers and a thumb. If
you try, you can assume the forth is a thumb but the real thumb
is actually vestigial and not seen on a dog print at all. It is,
however, generally believed that Disney just figured it was easier
to animate three than four I agree!.
As an aside, have you ever wondered why Goofy (a dog) could talk
and have a pet but Pluto (also a dog) wore no clothes, couldn't
speak, and didn't have a pet? Well, it is called the "haberdasheral
hierarchy." Neil DeGrassery Tyson described it carefully in
Pluto Files. The Rise and Fall of America's Favorite Planet.
Clothes, indeed, make the difference! |
Dog print

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