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Dysfunctional Veteran-Leave Me Alone

Editor's picks from the web 10/29/2017
Every once in a while I see a website that represents real"out of the box" thinking. Here is one! A Viet Nam vet who brings his sense of humor to PTSD. DON'T miss this remarkable site and outlook!

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International Society of Dysfunctional Veterans

"In 1976, when I left the Army and the 75th Infantry Rangers, I felt like an astronaut on a weird, alien planet. Since 1976, in fifteen years, I’ve had fifteen jobs, with none of them having a happy ending. In all that time, I thought I didn’t have a problem. I felt the rest of the world had the problem and they were out of sync with me. My wife and kids heard me say a million times, “I’ve out lived my time and I’ve out lived my kind.” I did not know it, but I was in a deep depression and suffering from something I could not put my finger on. In 1994, one of my Ranger buddies committed suicide while he was serving with the 10th Special Group (Airborne). If Ranger Joe could not stay alive while serving with SF, what was I going to do? Ranger Joe’s death sent me into a dark downward spiral. After putting up with many years of my dangerous self-destructive life style, which had now taken a turn for the worse, my wife convinced me to get some help. I was admitted to the Trauma Recovery Program (TRP) at our VA Medical Center where I was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Great, what the fuck is PTSD? A label to hang on my head saying that I was fucked-up? Just what I really needed! But, it was at TRP that I met a man who probably saved my life. My wife had done her best to try saving me many times, but she did not have the tools to help me. TRP’s Dr. Batte helped me cut through many years of shit and was able to hand me a thread of hope.

While I was in The Program, one night during a violent thunderstorm, I sat smoking a cigar and drinking a beer, reliving a past life experience. I still felt out of sorts. I was angry, frustrated and confused. I felt dysfunctional! On a piece of paper, I wrote in big giant bold letters, “Dysfunctional Veteran-Leave Me Alone!” At first, it was meant as a warning, but as time went by, I started to laugh at my own words. Today, I hide in my “Hobbit Hole” and sell a few t-shirts, a Kilroy challenge coin, a patch, hat and other Dysfunctional Veteran accoutrements. I use Kilroy peeking out of a foxhole because he looks like how I feel.

Dysfunctional Veteran sales help to keep me busy and out of my wife’s hair. Your best bet, buy from a dysfunctional vet!

Dysfunctional Veteran-Leave Me Alone: As John Boswell once said,

'Blessed is he who has learned to laugh at himself, for he shall never cease to be entertained.'”

— Ranger Andy

While I was in The Program, one night during a violent thunderstorm, I sat smoking a cigar and drinking a beer, reliving a past life

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(the USAF code name for a lost nuclear weapon). The weapon used at Hiroshima was a mere fifteen kiloton fission bomb. The Mark-15 had a yield of 1.6 to 3.9 Megatons. It was lost in the water near the American coast and has never been found.

Image of Book Cover

Kilroy Was Here:
The Rest of the Story

Have you heard of the forgotten saint from the Forgotten War? He has received the Medal of Honor and is in line for sainthood.

Have you heard of the London Guns? If Hitler had completed them, they would have lobbed 600 300 pound bombs PER HOUR into London. They never fired a shot but grossly affected world history in ways we will never fully know.

The US mainland has NEVER been bombed from the air . . . right? WRONG! The Japanese did in 1942! Find out the details.

Jimmy Doolittle raided Tokyo early in the war and was saved by a young missionary after he crashed in China. Have you ever heard of him? Yes you have! While on the subject, how about Doolittle’s crew chief's sweetheart wings?

Did your grandfather in WWII or Korea ever mention “short arm inspections” but would never tell you what they were? Now you will know more than you really wanted to know about them and why he wouldn't tell you.

Did you know that Boardwalk and Park Place went to war in WWII?

We all suspect that the government has safe places in case of war. One huge one has been exposed within driving distance of Washington, DC. Kilroy was there and has the story of a hidden fallout shelter large enough for all of the Senate and House can meet. They were to be evacuated there along with their staff but not their families. Now you can know where one is but not where the new one is nor where the one for the President and SCOTUS is!

You have heard about Gremlins, Foo Fighters and Lena the Hyena. Do you know The Rest of the story?

Does the name Glyndwr Michael mean anything to you? He should! He died at 34 doing absolutely nothing worthwhile - A wasted life! But, what is the rest of the story? What he did in death made him a hero of WWII!

These are only a few of the amazing stories you will find in this ebook! Just $4.49

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Editor's picks from the web 09/11/2017
As editor often get outstanding contributions from readers. They represent hard work of others who share my passion to remember! I can't put on as mine but they deserve wider distribution.
Shared by Allene Roberts

Donald Malarkey, a World War II paratrooper
Donald Malarkey, a World War II paratrooper,
has died. He was 96.

Associated Press
SALEM, Ore. - Donald Malarkey, a World War II paratrooper who was awarded the Bronze Star after parachuting behind enemy lines at Normandy to destroy German artillery on D-Day, has died. He was 96.

Malarkey was one of several members of "Easy Company" to be widely portrayed in the HBO miniseries, "Band of Brothers." He died Saturday in Salem, Oregon, of age-related causes, his son-in-law John Hill said Sunday.

Malarkey fought fight across France, the Netherlands and Belgium and with Easy Company fought off Nazi advances while surrounded at Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge in December 1944.

He was often praised for his actions during the war, and was presented with the Legion of Honor Medal - the highest honor awarded by the French government - in 2009.

Malarkey was haunted by memories of combat and the devastation of losing fellow soldiers and friends, his family members said. Still, the release of the "Band of Brothers" miniseries was cathartic for him and helped him come to terms with the emotional scars of the battle, Hill said.

He remained close to the other surviving members of Easy Company and attended his final Easy Company reunion in Portland, Oregon, in August.

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Editor's picks from the web 09/10/2017
As editor often get outstanding contributions from readers. They represent hard work of others who share my passion to remember! I can't put on as mine but they deserve wider distribution.
Shared by Editor

Confederate president Jefferson Davis statue

The Good people in Pensacola just don't know how to throw a proper violent protest!

Pensacola, FL is the home of a 50' monument erected in 1891. It was named after Confederate president Jefferson Davis.

Early on Saturday, August 26st,2017 About 300 protestors and counter-protestors turned out to Pensacola's Lee Square. The rally was organized to support of the city's most prominent Confederate memorial. Rally organizer Thomas Olsen of Milton said he organized the rally "as a means of protecting the history behind the monument." The counter demonstrators were there to promote removing the statue. Soon both sides started yelling at each other.

The demonstration began around 9 a.m. Dozens of police officers were present to monitor the event, with additional units standing by. No violence broke out during the two-and-a-half-hour rally. Mr. Olsen made a short speech; then his group sang the National Anthem.

After the National Anthem, The counter demonstration started chanting "Show me what democracy looks like! This is what democracy looks like!". To the thrill of bystanders, the demonstrators started chanting with them! Both sides began chanting the same thing.

The following is from a radio interview conducted by Andrew McKay, a popular local News Radio 1620 personality. With him is Mike Wood Pensacola Police PIO.

"You know, they are exactly right, this IS what democracy, looks like," said McKay. Wood responded you're exactly right! You know, we saw people with faces just inches apart screaming at each other but ending up shaking hands and some of them were hugging and saying "We are Americans first!" I saw that several times. We didn't want this to explode. We didn't want national coverage. But I sorta wish the National media was there to show America what could be done.

The story is; Pensacola did it with class. Pensacola did it peacefully. Said McKay. "These people got their voices heard, got their point across and at the end of the day, they didn't become violent."

Please share this and pass along! We can all use some good news!

More details:
To see the post on News Radio 1620's FaceBook Page, go to

To see WEARTV's video on the demonstration, go to

For a Podcast of the interview mentioned above, Go to


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Editor's picks from the web 09/11/2017
As editor often get outstanding contributions from readers. They represent hard work of others who share my passion to remember! I can't put on as mine but they deserve wider distribution.
Shared by Editor


What happened to the sometimes successful efforts to control hurricanes?

As early as right after the end of WWII until the 1980s, there were efforts to control or reduce the strength of hurricanes. These efforts were mostly by the USA although conspiracy theories of China's inventing methods of controlling the weather abound.

Then they used dry ice, Silver Oxide, and other methods to cool them off. Wouldn't you think that some improvement would have been made in the last 70 years? Have you heard of ANY! Even a small reduction like was accomplished in StormFury* would help. What happened to the American "can-do" attitude?

My own vague memory recalls Castro blaming the CIA of seeding a hurricane causing it to hit Cuba. Castro, as well as worldwide anti-Americans and US Left, accused the CIA of seeding a hurricane to ruin Cuba's sugar crop. Is this the reason?

Is the litigious world and PC the reason? Operation StormFury* was discontinued for, among other things, "Governments had to be willing to accept the risk of a public outcry if a seeded hurricane (or Typhoon) devastated a coastal region. This outcry and its legal consequences might arise even if the human intervention had no effect on the hurricane."**

*Project Stormfury was an attempt to weaken tropical cyclones by flying aircraft into them and seeding with silver iodide. The project was run by the United States Government from 1962 to 1983.

**Project STORMFURY: A Scientific Chronical 1962-1983


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Editor's picks from the web 09/24/2017
As editor often get outstanding contributions from readers. They represent hard work of others who share my passion to remember! I can't put on as mine but they deserve wider distribution.
Shared by Bill Kerrell

Shanghai South Station — Japanese-Bombing
( Wikimedia Commons)

War Crimes of Imperial Japan: A Lesson In Moral Equivalence for Mr. Obama

(Breitbart) - President Obama made a single, vague reference to "evil" during his prepared remarks in Hiroshima: "We may not be able to eliminate man's capacity to do evil, so nations and the alliances that we form must possess the means to defend ourselves. But among those nations like my own that hold nuclear stockpiles, we must have the courage to escape the logic of fear and pursue a world without them."

He spoke at length about the horrors experienced by the populace of Hiroshima:

We stand here in the middle of this city and force ourselves to imagine the moment the bomb fell. We force ourselves to feel the dread of children confused by what they see. We listen to a silent cry. We remember all the innocents killed across the arc of that terrible war and the wars that came before and the wars that would follow.

Mere words cannot give voice to such suffering. But we have a shared responsibility to look directly into the eye of history and ask what we must do differently to curb such suffering again.

"Let all the souls here rest in peace, for we shall not repeat the evil," he said, when reading the inscription on a monument at the Peace Memorial Park.

He somehow forgot to mention the evils perpetrated by Imperial Japan or the unspeakable suffering it inflicted upon POWs and civilians who fell into its clutches.

Let's correct that oversight, to help the President understand why moral equivalence is the dim refuge of lazy minds, and equating American troops with the Axis forces they defeated is an outrage.

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