Tribute from a loving son . . .
From Bastogne to
the Rhine/Moselle Crossings
Includes a Sighting!
By Jack Schweitzer
My Dad, 3rd Platoon, Co A, 35th Engineer Combat Battalion,
was attached to these specific units and in the thick
of it.
He was in 3rd Plt, Co A, 35th Engineer Combat Battalion. After
an assault crossing of the Mosel, preparations were underway
for the assault crossing of the Rhine. (The assault crossing
took place at 0001 on 25 March 1944 just north <downstream>
of Rhens.) Dad was attached to the 347th Regiment of the 87th
Inf. Div.
"George Patton's US 5th Division crossed the Rhine
River during the night of 22 Mar 1945, establishing a
six-mile deep bridgehead after capturing 19,000 demoralized
German troops. Patton, who actually did not have the orders
to cross the river, did so under an extremely low profile:
quietly, his troops crossed the river in boats without
artillery barrage nor aerial bombardment. His commanding
general Omar Bradley, who issued the order for him not
to cross to avoid interfering with Bernard Montgomery's
operations, did not know of the crossing until the next
morning." WWII Data Base |
You might imagine the trepidation
with the assault from all concerned. A night or two before
the actual crossing, as my Dad phrased it,
"Some crazy SOB crossed the river and painted "Kilroy
was here." on the cement wall on the German side of the
river!" The men he served with took comfort in that
Unfortunately, the crossing had the highest casualties (34)
for the engineers who made multiple trips under fire ferrying
the 347th. A Distinguished (now known as Presidential) Unit
Citation was awarded for the action. "As a kid (I am
64) we drew Kilroy damn near everywhere." (Author: Jack
Before that, he participated in another little mix-up that
you might have heard of . . . Bastonne! The 35th formed the
first defense east of Bastogne, (December , 1944) actually
holding it until the 101st could get there. (see
Master's thesis on fold3) Then, drawing the short
straw, Dad was one of 28 enlisted men and a couple of officers
who remained at the request of Gen. McAuliffe. Idid
not know this in any detail until recently when I spoke
to one of the remaining
officers, Bob Skinner, now deceased, who was my Dad's
platoon leader. The official history of the unit details the
story of the "lost platoon". They manned the roadblock
where Patton's first tank entered Bastogne for its relief
(this is private correspondence I uncovered between his platoon
leader and the battalion commander

Untere Rheinpforte
(Rhens St. Joseph's Gate)
347th passed on way to boats
"From the Rhine gate in the downstream direction of
the Rhine. The Josephstor (Josephs gate) is smaller
than the Rhine gate and never had a Tower. A simple wall gate
which, for security reasons, was bricked up during the thirty
years period, as this passage did not hve to be used in times
of necessity: the area behind the gate was at the time barely
exploited. Until 18th century the gate had a gate House, at
the second floor at the Rhine side in a wall cavity the statue
of St. Joseph, an 18th century addition, the gate was formerly
known as "Untere Rheinpforte". Another long forgotten
name which was still used in the early 20th century was "Pützgassertor"
(free translated: stucco alley gate)."
Josefstor, Trip Advisor
My Dad either spoke of the positive
aspects of his military experience or spoke compassionately of others.
He did not know, nor would he have cared that he was entitled to
two Presidential Unit Citations, Belgian Croix de Guerre, Luxembourg
Croix de Guerre. This behavior, that his three brothers, all in
the Army, all in the Battle of the Bulge, also exhibited
as I am sure many veterans did as well. My Dad died unexpectedly
in an accident in 1991. I was very close to Dad, but the only time
he spoke of the grim aspects of war was when one of his "Army
buddies" came by.

35th ECB 87th crossing
Moselle from "Last
Click image for a larger view
Moselle - Waiting
to be ferried across the Moselle

(Lee) Ridenour
was in my Dad's Company (A). The pic is after the assault crossing
of the Rhine at Rhens, the west bank of the Rhine behind, landing
on the east bank.

Dad fishing
during "paid vacation" construction of Alcan Highway
(1942) as a combat engineer.
Click image for a larger view
Click here for more on John Schweitzer

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