1943-1945 Training
Wallace's War Diary 1
Editor's note: These are the pages from Glen's
diaries exactly as he wrote them at the time. He has attached
comments to add to or explain the entry. Click the stars for more
Naval Aviation Cadet, Feb. 1943
13 OCTOBER 1942.
Enlisted in Navy V5 Aviation program.

Milton, Wisconsin. Flew Piper Cubs and Aeroncas. Bonnie visited

7 JANUARY 1943
Finished training.
Married in St Louis. Honeymoon trip to Joplin, MO. Left Bonnie
there and drove home to pick up orders.

Pre Pre-Flight Training at the University in Greencastle, Indiana.
Bonnie visited and lost her job.

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Finished Training.
Pre Flight - University Iowa City. Ia.. Bonnie visited three

3 MAY 1943
Finished training.
5 MAY 1943
Primary flight training. Olathe, Kansas. Flew N2S Stearmans.
Bonnie visited.

27 JULY 1943
Finished. 7 days leave.

8 AUGUST 1943
Corpus Christi Texas. Basic at Cabaniss Field. Flew SNVs. SNJs
for instruments at Mainside. Advanced at Kingsville. Bonnie
visited. Gave her wedding ring.

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21 DECEMBER 1943
Commissioned and received wings of gold. Orders to Jacksonville,
Florida. Spent Christmas night in New Orleans. Arrived Jacksonville
27 December. Flew F4F Wildcats and sent for Bonnie.

3 March 1944
Finished Operational Training
7 March 1944
Glenview, Ill. ( Chicago ) 8 landings aboard USS Sable in F4F

18 March 1944
Finished 21 days leave.
8 April 1944
Norfolk, Va
14 April 1944
Atlantic City, NJ. via Washington DC. Joined VF-83 flew Hellcats
( F6F ) Sent for Bonnie and lived at Northfield, NJ

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1 July 1944
Ayer, Mass. Bonnie arrived by auto, with other squadron wives
and we lived in Ayer. 8 landings aboard USS Mission Bay-1 landing
on USS Kassan Bay- 7 landings on USS Prince William.

1 November 1944
Finished and Bonnie and I traveled by train to San Diego

7 Nov 1944
San Diego, Calif. Left Bonnie at San Francisco and on . . .

10 Nov 1944
Boarded USS General Langfitt.

Nov 1944
Arrived Honolulu, Hawaii.
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2 Dec 1944
Inter-Island Steamer to Maui - NAS Puunene- Jimmy born Nov.
29,1944 - Sent Bonnie engagement ring

15 Dec 1944
Changed to Corsairs ( F4U )

22 Dec 1944
Made 3 landings on USS Bougainville - 6 landings on CVE Makassar
Strait, in a Corsair.
9 JAN 1945
Wedding Anniversary, sent Champagne and flowers to Bonnie.
27 JAN 1945

14 FEB 1945
Sent Bonnie Birthday Present. Went aboard USS Shangrila at Pearl
Harbor and made 2 langings in F4U.
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20 FEB 1945
Big party- Valley Isle County Club

21 FEB 1945
Left Maui for Pearl Harbor on inter island steamer - Kailulu.
Went aboard CVE 16 - USS Nassau and headed for Guam at 1300
Feb 22.
( CVE USS NASAU #16, )
4 MARCH 1945
Arrived Naval Air Base at Guam 1609.
5 MARCH 1945
Found out I made LTJG on March 1. Met Frank Wallace (my cousin)
at Depro field and had lunch.
8 MARCH 1945
Left Guam aboard USS Long Island (what a tub) bound for Ulithi,

9 MARCH 1945
Arrived Ulithi 1215 - Never saw so many ships in all my life.
Looks like the entire Pacific Fleet is here.
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To Diary
#2 1945 "In Combat" >>

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